I love you, Alexander Hamilton.

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Alexander frowned as the e he scribbled on his parchment didn't show up. He had been so caught up in his writing, he didn't notice the ink stains on the page slowly fade to nothing. He dipped his quill in ink and kept writing.

"Alexander, what are you writing?" Said a sweet voice that he knew to be his wife behind him. He swiftly covered the letter in attempt to hid what he had written.

"Just something for work, dear." He replied hastily to Eliza. He turned around to see his sister-in-law, Angelica, frowning at him with her glass of wine in hand.

Elizabeth raised an eyebrow but lowered it once she realized she wasn't getting an answer out of her husband. "Alexander, why don't you join us? You've been so distant all day." Alexander felt a smile tugging at his lips. His right hand was cramped from writing, and replacing the quill in his hand with a drink sounded nice. Angelica was rarely in town, and he knew how special it was to Eliza when she came to visit, so he decided he might as well humor his wife and have a drink with them.

"Oh why not?" He said and got up to join them in their banter.

While Angelica was sound asleep in the guest room and Eliza was softly snoring next to him, Alex lay awake thinking about the decision he'd have to make.

He couldn't keep living like this; it wasn't fair to Laurens and Eliza.

He weighed the options calmly: Laurens was was sweet, he had a sense of innocence to him that Hamilton adored, as well as childlike wonder that never failed to make Alex smile. But on the downside, their relationship was sinful. If he stopped seeing Laurens, would that allow him to get into heaven, or was the Bible possibly wrong about homosexuality? These thoughts terrified Hamilton, so he moved on to the woman in bed next to him.

Eliza was beautiful, smart, kind, and not to mention absolutely head over heels for him. He knew Eliza would give anything for him, and Eliza would be crushed if he left her. But Eliza was such a catch. She has many friends and her sisters Peggy and Angelica would always be there for her. She'd have the proper comfort and she'd be able to move on with time.

Laurens, however, would have to suffer in silence. Laurens could not move on to a woman. He could never truly be happy because it would take years to find a man, someone he could truly love. The idea of that made Alex want to cry in such an unmanly way.

His jaw clenched; he had made his decision. He knew it wasn't going to be easy to execute, but in the end he knew it was what was right.

3 years later

"Will you marry me?" He asked after getting down on one knee. He pulled out a small velvet box and opened it to reveal a beautiful ring.

Laurens covered his hands with his mouth and jumped up and down happily. "Yes yes yes of course!" He exclaimed. Hamilton stood up and slipped the ring on his now fiancé's finger.

"I love you, Jonathan Henry Laurens." Said Alex, pulling him into his arms.

"I love you too, Alexander Hamilton."

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