For my valentine

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John is a florist and he's cute.

I loved working as a florist, I mean, all the flowers are so pretty, and people always look so happy when they come in, and I needed a summer job so this seemed perfect! There was this cute kid who went to my school and would always sit on the curb at 2:00 pm. All I knew is that he was cute and his name was Alex. One day around Valentine's Day I saw Alex looking particularly sad. I decided to do something about it. I simply took a red rose during my break time and went out side to where he was.

"Why so sad?" I asked sitting down next to him as butterflies erupted in my stomach.

"Because Valentine's Day is tomorrow and I have no one to be my Valentine." Alex sighed.

"You already are someone's." I replied, starting to feel uneasy.

"Who's?" Alex asked, adding a snigger.

"Mine." I said to him, pulling out the red rose and giving it to him. "For my Valentine."

Alex's POV
*fifteen years later*
I  stood there, amazed at how beautiful John looked. But it was only a picture. Only a picture of someone  I will never see again. I leaned over my boyfriend's grave, and lightly set red roses in front of it. I put my finger on the J. As tears fell down my cheeks, the only thing I could manage to utter was, "For my Valentine." My hushed voice stopped as I walk back home the apartment we used to share.


SORRY DONT THROW THINGS AT ME! Yes that was sad but there's s fluffy one that also happens to be flower themed coming up! Byeeee! Weirdo OUT.

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