Never forget

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Okay this one's sad and I don't know why I made it sad because I don't even have anger towards my ex anymore we're really good friends I'm dating someone and I'm happy with love. Why is this sad? Anyways, Alex gets drunk one night and confesses his love for John. John knows Alex is drunk, so he hangs up. They lead their lives on not knowing that the other never forgot that night.

Alex stumbled into his living room and plopped backwards onto the couch, his friend Hercules trailing behind him.

"Thanks for taking me home Herc." Alex drunkenly slurred. "You're my best friend."

"No problem. Should I go or do you want me to stay here?" He responded, genuinely concerned Alex would do something stupid like he always does when he's drunk.

"No I'm fine." Alex insisted, waving his hand for gesture.

"Okay." Hercules left Alex's apartment, leaving him alone.

~~time skip~~

Without thinking, Alex called his friend John. He let it rang three times before John picked up. "Hey Alex." John's sweet voice echoed through the phone, making Alex smile.

"Hey John." Said Alex, making it obvious that he was drunk. "So, John, I like really like you. Like a lot." He admitted, but he didn't pay much mind to what he said. John's eyes widened at the words, it was something he never thought Alex would say.

"Alex, y-you're too drunk. You-you don't mean this. Bye." Says John before hanging up. Alex sadly put his phone down and closed his eyes. He slowly drifted off to sleep, not being able to stay up any longer.

In the morning he woke up with an extreme hangover, having forgotten last night's call. Meanwhile, John remembered every last bit of it. He liked Alex, but he didn't want to take advantage of him. Alex was obviously too drunk to process what he was doing, so maybe he didn't mean it.

Two days later, the entire group was hanging out, and John silently wished hat Alex would say something to him about what he said over the phone that night. But sadly, he didn't. Days went by without Alex showing any remembrance of that night. Nothing was awkward between them, and Alex still thought John was telling him everything about his feelings like he used to. But Alex only knew the surface of what poor John was thinking, and John didn't think Alex needed to know. Days turned into weeks, weeks turned into months, and months turned into years.

John moved on and found another man, but Alex always had a small home in John's heart. Alex married their friend Eliza, and had seven little children. But what John didn't know, is that Alex did know what he confessed that night, but he didn't want to say anything. He was convinced John didn't like him back, so he settled for less than a soul mate. They slowly drifted apart, each never forgetting that night.

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