He never did

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When Alex and John were kids, they were the best of friends. They were absolutely inseparable, and everyone around them knew that. They did everything together, and that showed no signs of changing until they got older.

When they got to fifth grade, everyone was excited and getting ready for middle school. By the middle of the year, pretty but the entire grade had cracking voices and changing bodies.

Alex started to see certain things in John that annoyed him. Like how he never understood his dark past. He'd seen the scars Alex earned in the hurricane, he'd heard the stories and he'd seen Alex having a panic attack in the bathroom after having a flashback of his mother's last moments, but he still seemed to think that there was light in situations like that. Some things just didn't have any good, but John could never understand that.

One day, Alex was so stressed and so pissed but he didn't want to blame himself. So he blamed John. In a letter he threw at him in class, he explained everything. They argued and argued until they went their separate ways, but it wasn't fair. John was taken in by Hercules and Lafayette, their two friends, and they resented Alex, purposely leaving their "friend" behind.

The problem is, they didn't hear Alex out. They picked sides without considering both of them, and that's not fair. Alex decided to take the rational route, so he wrote John a note explaining it all. About how he was sorry for what he said, about how he only said it in the heat of the moment, and about how he deserves second chance. He ripped the page out of his notebook and folded it neatly. John was in the bathroom, so he discreetly set it down on the chair next to him, which was John's seat.

He couldn't tell whether or not John read it, but he was sure he did. John didn't say anything. Alex did indirects on social media, and when that didn't work he did direct apologies of social media but John didn't seem to see them. So Alex directly texted John, but John didn't reply. He spent his days wandering around at recess when he had no one to hang out with. It was lonely. John didn't care. He never did.

I know this is shitty but I'm tired and I just got inspiration and it's like 1:00 am. Sorry this isn't about them dating or anything, I just thought it would be cool. I know that they're really young in this, but some people neglect that when your young serious problems can happen so I decided to shed some light on that subject. Who's side are you on?

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