Chapter five

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---Kat’s POV---

“Welcome to Arkham Asylum.” A guard said after I showed her my school ID and papers that my school and guardian had to sign. “Please park your motor cycle in the visitor’s lot and go to the security booth inside the front doors.”

I nodded and did as she said. Jeff’s brother was head of security and was giving me the grand tour and run down of how things work. When I went to the booth I was surprised to see him. He was tall like his brother, but way more built and lean.

“I take it you’re Jeff’s brother, Dean right?” I asked walking up to him.

“Yes I am. I take it that you’re Katie.” He smiled and I shook his hand.

“No, I’m Katrina. Your brother just can never remember my full name.” I smiled.

“I was wondering why all the papers I received had Katrina Wayne on them.”

“Ya, sorry if there was any major confusion and thank you for letting me shadow you today.” I said. I was so thrilled to be here it was ridiculous.

“Wasn’t that big of a problem. So, now to start with the security protocol.” He said as he motioned for me to step into through this little checkpoint thing like at an airport. “If you have any type of metal please place it in the little clear box and step through. Cell phones need to be placed in the box along with any writing utensil.” I looked at his quizzically, but did as he said.

“Um… well… oh never mind. Here.” I said as I had been internally debating weather or not to put my knife in the box. I always carried a blade on me because of where I work and where my school is located. It was one of my most prized possessions because it survived the fire… it was my dad’s, and now it was mine. I pulled out my knife and placed it in the box carefully and my cell phone was the last thing. I looked up and saw Dean looking at me cautiously.

“And the knife was for…”

“I work at The Zone, got to Gotham High, and tend to be on my own. I need my protection. Sorry I just don’t ever think about it anymore.” I said.

“Okay, it’s not that I don’t trust you, it’s just that this is protocol.” I nodded in understanding. I stepped into the side room and was then strip-searched by another female guard. Satisfied with not finding any other weapon on my person they let me out and I could finally start my ‘tour.’

“Again, sorry about that. It’s just that we have to follow the rules.” Dean apologized for the billionth time. I just smiled and once more told him it was fine and I understood. We had walked the perimeter and seen most of the asylum. The only part that was left was… you guessed it! The ward where they locked up the ‘masterminds.’ The people that were caught by Batman. Dean and I were talking casually when we passed a pair of white swinging doors. I didn’t pay them any mind until I heard this loud obnoxious yelling and laughter.

“What was that?” I asked as I walked over to the white doors. There were no windows so I started to push the door open when a hand grabbed me.

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