Chapter twenty-two

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Riddler had put me down in the center of an empty room that resembled something of an office cubicle. There was a single desk, chair, pencil, and light. One of the walls was made of one-way glass and so that was obviously where he disappeared. There was one door that I could plainly see, but made no advance towards it. There was a reason I was here and it wasn’t so that I could just walk out again.

“Good evening class! Welcome to Nigma’s School for the poor and under privileged!” I could tell he was smiling the whole time while I sat there cross-armed raising my eyebrows. “This evening you will be taking your End of Course exams! I hope you studied and brought along your best attitude because here! We! Go!” he yelled just like some sports announcer and a piece of extremely long paper got shoved under the door. I walked over to pick it up and I just went on and on. End of Course? I didn’t have these in school for months! I sighed and sat on the floor in one of the corners. I always thought best when I was on the ground for whatever reason. I looked at the bottom number to see that there were only 25 questions/directions.

“Remember class! Read everything carefully before completing and turning in your test! You have fifteen minutes.” Riddler said before the speakers shut off and holographic numbers appeared on a wall for the count down.

“How the hell am I supposed to get this done in fifteen minutes?!” I yelled glaring daggers through the glass wall. Okay, time to get going.

E. Nigma’s class for the under privileged EOC:

1) Write your name in the upper right hand corner of this paper.

2) Ask Joker where he buys his makeup.

3) Steal Killer Croc’s Steak.

4) Slap Harvey. Either side will do

5) Tell Joker he's boring with a serious face.

6) Find an answer to How's a Raven Like a writing desk.

7) Spray Crane with fear toxin.

8) Take Jervis’ hat.

9) Attempt to beat an eight-sided Rubix cube. Rubix octagon

10) Write a three hundred paged epic without using the letters x, y, e, and c.

11) Step on Ivy’s Venus fly trap.

12) Give Selina Catnip.

13) Ask Mr. Freeze if he wants any hot sauce with that.

14) Solve a Sudoku in less than 30 seconds.

15) Ask Oswald to volunteer at Gotham Orphanage.

16) Ask Catwoman/Selina to volunteer at a dog shelter.

17) Have Harvey work at Macy’s Cosmetics counter.

18) Have Killer Croc sell shoes at Sears.

19) Convince Bane to be a therapist.

20) Make something so easy a caveman COULDN’T do it.

21) Have Ivy work at the trash dump.

22) Convince Harley to become a waitress at a diner.

23) Admit I’m smarter than you.

24) Tell everyone you love me.

25) Re- read number one.

What the heck?! The first few were just plain funny, but 23 and 24? I was never going to admit that he’s smarter than me! I am what we people from the south call a ‘southern belle.’ I will be sweet and proper, but once you start acting like you can control me; stubborn just wont cut it anymore. So THAT will never happen. And 24… I couldn’t… I mean, I did just meet the guy, and… and… ugh, stupid hormones.  Number twenty-five was probably the most confusing one. After all of this it tells me to go re-read the first one… what’s that about?

“Five minutes left.” He came on the speaker practically laughing.

“What?! No way!” I yelled back.

“You took too long to read!” he sang back to me. Whatever, I was going to get this!

Remember class! Read everything carefully before completing and turning in your test!”

I thought about why he would have said that and that’s when it hit me. I ran across the room and grabbed the pencil while looking at the clock. 2:50. I leaned over and scribbled my name really fast.

“Done!” I yelled just as the timer buzzed. “Hey, you cut my time!”

“I am the teacher.” He said as he walked through the door smiling. He was wearing something similar to what he wore to the club. His hair was all spiked and messy and his face had that smirk plastered to it. He was wearing a white short-sleeved button down with dark washed jeans that hung loosely at his hips. I noticed the familiar squeak of converse as he walked towards me to gather my test. I know that the guys like… twenty, but he looked eighteen and that much more attractive.

“Done ogling?” he teased as he took the paper.

“Only when you stop.” I smirked. He had been checking me out since he saw me lying on the island that day. His eyes came up to meet mine and we just stood like that for a while. He looked down at the paper and frowned a bit.

“What is this?”

“My test.” I said defensively. “You said read everything first and so I did and the last one said to read number one and that was it.” I smiled putting my hands on my hips and smiling.

“Took you long enough.” He smiled down at me. “That was, if you didn’t already guess, your ENTRANCE EXAM!” he jumped up and down excitedly. Before class ends today I shall leave you with a riddle.” He bowed. “I'm not alive, but I grow; I don't have lungs, but I need air; I don't have a mouth, but water kills me.” My smile fell as I thought about it more and more.

“Don’t hurt yourself too much.” He joked and walked away. “By the way, you’re free to do what ever, just don’t break anything. AND NO GOOGLELING THE ANSWER!”

I laughed and walked out the room. I was going to have fun here. I was in a house full of psychopaths, but they won’t kill me, or they would have done it by now. I was definitely going to get Edward Nigma back for stealing me away from what was supposed to be a night of flirting. I was going to enjoy myself, weather he expected it or not!

Riddle me this, Riddle me Kat! *Watty Awards 2012 Completed*Where stories live. Discover now