Chapter thirteen

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---Katrina’s POV---

Bruce walked out the room and I cried even harder into Richard’s shoulder. The men in black; the men who had killed my parents. I’m convinced that’s who’s telling Joker and Riddler about the cards and everything else. How else would they know?

“Ricky, they can’t know. They can’t know unless they told them.” I whispered through my tears and Richard just held me closer and whispered to me.

“Katrina you’re safe. Bruce and I won’t let them touch you. We might not be able to fight off Joker and Riddler but we can keep the men in black away. I promise you you’ll be fine dear. Shh. It’s okay.” He whispered, as my crying grew louder.

“But…. But… I feel so helpless and scared and… and weak.” I said disgustedly.

“Katrina Marie Boudreaux Wayne, you of all people are not weak. You’ve put up with more crap than most sixteen year olds and most forty year olds. Don’t you ever think for a minute that you’re weak because you feel a natural human emotion. If you weren’t scared every now and then I would start to worry more than I already do about your mental health.” Richard smiled and I did too. “Katrina you’re a special girl and I’m not just saying that because you’re my little sister; I’m saying because I mean it. There’s something about you that I can’t put my finger on but it makes you especially unique.”

“Thanks Ricky.” I smiled and hugged him tighter to me. “I’m glad you’re here. Bruce would’ve just stood there like an idiot.” I smirked.

“Yes, but I understand you a bit better. I know about the nightmares and dreams.” He said sadly but with a smile.

“Ya.” My smile twitching into a frown.

“I’m gonna go tell him everything’s okay and we’re going to let you sleep this off. Here’s your phone if you need anything.” Richard threw me my iPhone and opened the door to the hallway that was still guarded by Gotham’s police force. “You get better so you can come home okay?”

“Alright. Just because you told me to I’m going to heal super duper fast over night.” I laughed as a doctor came in and closed the door. She was about average height and had on killer heels. Her hair was blonde and her face seemed familiar.

“Hey puddin!” her voice said chirpily, like a bird’s. “This is just a little something to help you sleep better!” she said pulling out a needle and I swear all my blood stopped cold.

“Harley?” I squeaked and she nodded. “Why it is a needle?”

“Oh this thing? It’s so tiny there’s no need to worry.”

Tiny? The syringe was as long as my hand and the needle had another inch on it. That was most definitely NOT small.

“I don’t do well with needles.” I whispered as I watched it instead of her.

“Oh, I’m not going to stick YOU with it! Silly girl it goes in you IV bag thing!” She said happily as she started to inject the fluid into the tube connected to my arm.

“Oh, it might tingle a bit but Johnny said it will let you sleep better.” Harley added as she skipped out the room humming to herself.

Sure enough the arm that was hooked up with the IV started to tingle. Lets scratch that, it burned! What the hell was this? I started to fall asleep as I desperately tried to think of what had just been injected into my blood. Johnny? Could that be? Oh no.

Shit, crap, and more shit.

Riddle me this, Riddle me Kat! *Watty Awards 2012 Completed*Where stories live. Discover now