Chapter seven

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--Back to the present--

I was kneeling on the ground by my box when I realized what was going on around me. I shook my head, trying to rid myself of the memory for now, and tried to understand what I was hearing. I stood up and turned around to see Dean firing a gun helplessly at Harvey Dent, aka Two Face. He tripped and fell backwards. Harvey pulled out a gun and a coin. He was going to kill him.

“Let’s see if it’s your lucky day shall we?” He threw the coin up in the air, caught it, and flipped it over. “Too bad, you get to live another day.” He said before hitting him in the head with the butt of the gun. He turned and froze when he saw me, just as I was frozen.  “What are you doing here?” he asked with curiosity.

I was silent. He stepped forward and so did I. He stopped and looked at me quizzically.

“Who are you?”

“That’s the thing of it isn’t it. The wondrous thing of it; I know who you are, and yet you have no idea who I am. Isn’t that just… nerve wracking?” I asked a little amused while keeping a blank look on my face. The guys and Crystal always said I could be creepy when I wanted too, so why not see if it can save my life. I’m totally freaking out on the inside but I can’t let him see that otherwise I might be dead.

“Hmm, you’re defiantly an interesting specimen.” I heard an all too familiar voice say. I turned slowly around to see Riddler and all the other detainees walking through a hole in the wall as they finished loading up on everything that had been confiscated from them upon entering Arkham.  He was adjusting his famous green hat and coat, Harley was fixing her hat, and Joker was adjusting his infamous jacket of tricks. I stood my ground. I heard Harvey walk around from behind me.

“Who’s she?” Harvey asked again as he turned around to face me from my right.

“Obviously not the newest member to Arkham as we were led to believe.” Ivy said casually. How the hell did they break out this time???? As if on cue Bane, The Mad Hatter, Man Bat, and the Killer Croc walked in. My eyes must’ve gotten wider or my jaw opened or something because all of a sudden Harley was in front of me smiling.

“Aw no need to be scared! They’s not gonna hurt you!” She said cheerfully.

“Harley, stop scaring the poor child.” Joker laughed.

“So do we kill her?” Penguin asked shuffling around on his feet and adjusting his umbrella.

“Hmm… I don’t know… Should we?” Catwoman said playfully as she came close and circled around me. “Mhh,” she purred. “Such a sweet looking girl.”

“No offense, but back off.” I said a little breathlessly. She stopped and smirked at me.

“Excuse me?” she asked twitching her whip. My eyes kept going back and forth between her, the whip, and the increasing crowd of psychopathic maniacs.

“I said, No offense but please back off.” I said louder and glaring, as she got closer.

“Who are you? To be giving orders to me?” she hissed.

“Nobody.” I shrugged. “Nobody at all. Just a living, breathing body that shouldn’t affect your life in any way, yet here we are holding a conversation.” I said calmly aloud while in my mind I was screaming, ‘I NEED HELP! SHIT!’

“Now, now, now, you are interesting.” Edward said smiling as he strutted, yes strutted, up to me and pushed Selina out of the way. I cocked my head to the side and just stared at him blankly.

“Mhh, how about a riddle?! Just to see if you’re as playful as you seem to be.” He clapped and I saw Harley’s smile fade a bit.

“Oh, don’t hurt her Eddy.” She pouted. “I like her.”

Riddle me this, Riddle me Kat! *Watty Awards 2012 Completed*Where stories live. Discover now