Chapter 24

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--- Riddler’s POV while the girls are up stairs ---

Joker was just smiling like a fool. Selina and Ivy had just come and removed Katrina from our presence and were doing only god knows what to her. The room wasn’t completely quiet, but there was a lot less talking now. Harvey was shooting Joker and I nervous and excited glances. Everyone knew that I liked Katrina, but I just wasn’t me when I was around her so I tried to not… I don’t know… I tried not to be interested in her all day other than to test her. And she wasn’t making it any easier with that little outfit she was wearing. You could basically see all of her legs and that perfect little stomach of hers. I shook my head trying to get the image out of my head. I didn’t have time for any of this nonsense. I had more tests to prepare for the little storm.

“What are you doing Eddie?” Joker smirked at me.

“Thinking. Something an imbecile such as yourself cannot possibly accomplish.” I snapped back. I personally thought the clown was pretty intelligent compared to a lot of people, but there was no way I was going to flatter him like that.

“Oh I’ve been thinking.” He smiled, earning the undivided attention of all the people on the couches. When ever the starts thinking, something’s about to blow up. “I’ve been thinking about how… cute that little storm is.” He raised his eyebrows. I knew he was trying to just mess with me. He had his Harley so there was no logical reason for him to look at Katrina like that. But then again, he wasn’t a logical thinker.

“She’s not too bad.” Harvey muttered as he changed the channel to some murder investigation show. “Idiot left finger prints.” He laughed to himself… well, themselves.

“She seems interesting.” Croc said with nodded agreement from Bane.

“What do you think Eddie? Seeing her today, in our place.” Joker poked. So that’s what this was about.

“She passed her test and so she’s safe for now.” I shrugged my shoulders.

“Oh come on.” He laughed at me. “You couldn’t get her off your mind and now you’re gonna play Mr. Ice? No offense Freeze.” He laughed at a frowning blue man in the corner.

“It’s your loss.” Harvey called out. Or was it Two Face? “We think she is something nice to look at, but that little fire of hers is what really makes her worth something. If you know what I mean.” They smiled and Joker laughed. Crock and Bane just stayed quiet and watched.

“Alright, well if you primates are done-“ I said standing.

“Oh why so serious Ed?” Joker was in front of me. “We’re just having fun.” He started laughing hysterically. “But seriously,” he whispered in my ear. “If you’ve decided you’re done with her, I’m pretty sure Johnny boy will want to know as well.” That was it.

“You won’t touch her if you know what’s good for you.” I hissed at him. Unfortunately this is what he wanted and I was now stuck.

“Don’t worry, she’ll be in good hands.” He laughed. “She’ll be with me in no time flat.”

“I highly doubt she’d go for something so low class.” I smirked at him causing him to frown the slightest.

“Just settle it already.” Two Face called out this time. “Whoever she kisses first is obviously the better man. Get over it before we get involved too.” He snapped and went back to his TV show.

“I bet within the next, oh, five minutes I can get her to kiss me.” Joker smiled.

“Bet you can’t.” I smirked and whispered, “Katrina and I have already been there and done that.”

Riddle me this, Riddle me Kat! *Watty Awards 2012 Completed*Where stories live. Discover now