Chapter 7

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Michael P.O.V

"Man Coach be tripping.  Talking bout 50 stairlaps " Chris said.

We were just leaving basketball practice.

"I know"

"Whats up with you & Tayah? " He

"I don't even know man.  She always with Jeremiah,  I ain't gone never gone get with her. " I said wiping my face with the towel.

"Call her ass  up right now. " He said pointing to my phone.

"And what I'm supposed to say?"

"I don't know,  Just handle that!" He said getting in his car.

I was confused but I called her anyway.  She answered on the second ring.

"Hello? " She said answering the phone.

"Umm Hey Tayah,  its Micheal."

"I know,  I got Caller I.D " She said laughing.

"Oh Yea,  I was wondering if you wanted to come over & chill today? "

"Actually I can't. "

That kinda crushed my spirit.

"But you can come over here.  I gotta keep a eye out for the mailman,  cause my mom's on a business trip."

Then they were lifted back up.

"Oh, okay.  I'll be over in about a hour"

"Okay. "

I went home , showered & threw on a pair of grey sweatpants, a black  tee,  & a black beanie that said Compton.I slipped on my Nike Slides and then I made my way to Tayah's house.

Tayah P.O.V

I was nervous for Michael to come over.  I showered & threw on some black soffe shorts & a Marilyn Monroe tank top.

*Knock,  Knock*

I walked to the door to see Michael standing there.  He was dresses down but he was still sexy af.


"Wassup" He said sitting on the couch.

"Nothing. Was there a reason you wanted to come over? " I asked.

"Nah,  just chill.  I know you been busy with Jeremiah all the time.  I mean Damn Tayah,  don't show me no love"

"Aww is lil Michael jealous?" I said poking his chest.

"What I tell you about poking my chest " I said poking it again.

Before I knew we started play fighting. Then somehow he ended up on top of me laughing.  I didn't even notice he was on top of me until our laughter died down,  & started looking me in the eye.

He started leaning in & so did I.  Then our lips touched & it was magic.  The same magical feeling I got the 1st time we kissed. His hands started traveling up my shirt, but he quickly removed them.

I didn't wanna have sex with him,  but I just wanna know why he moved his hand.  Like is there something wrong with me.

"Micheal wait" I said pulling away.  "Why'd you move your hands from my shirt.?"

He signed.

"Look Tayah I really like you,  & trust I would love to have sex with you right now ! But I got more respect for you. You not them other girls. If we ever go that far,  its gone be right" He said.

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