Chapter 20

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Tayah P.O.V

I woke up & immediately I had a headache.  My thoughts ran back to last night,  but all I could remember was making Jake my official boo & Michael my friend again.

I decided to just go in the bathroom & take a hot shower to go to school,  but when I hopped outta bed I stepped on Chris. That's when I saw Chris,  Michael & Honey knocked out on my floor.

"WAKE Y'ALL ASSES UP!  IT'S TIME FOR SCHOOL!" I yelled shaking all of them.

"Damn.! " Chris said getting up. " Yo ass already stepped on me"

"Man why the fuck y'all screaming " Michael said tossing around,  & putting a pillow over his ears.

Honey was still out cold.

"Chris get ya girl." I said.

"Aight y'all we got 1 hour & 30 minutes to get ready.  I got 3 bathrooms so I don't know how y'all gone work that out." I said.

"Me & Honey will share one." Chris said cheesing & dragging her out the room.

"Michael get yo ass up." I said shaking him.

"Man moveeee! " He said turning the opposite way.

"You got 5 seconds to get yo peanut head up." I said.

He smacked his lips & got up.

"Yo ass happy now!? " He said.

"Yepp. Now go get ready. " I said pushing him out the room.

He smacked his lips & snatched the rag outta my hand.

I closed my door & went to my bathroom that's attached to my room. I brushed my teeth,  used the bathroom & took a hot shower. 

I went in my room , lotioned up & got dressed. I put on a cheetah print oversized tank top,  a pair if denim shorts & some flats. Just some slight work.

I looked at my hair in the mirror & it had got curly due to the steam from the shower.  So I just put some curl control on it so my hair wouldn't get all out of wack.

"Aye Tay,  Jake out here & he don't look happy." Honey said through the door.

I opened the door.

"What you mean?" I asked confused.

"Just go outside." She said.

I went outside & I saw Jake leaning against his car in my driveway. And Honey was right,  he didn't look happy.

"Hey B-"

"Don't Hey Bae me. I call you last night & some other nigga pick up the phone,  talking bout you in bed. We just got together & you fucking another nigga.  Tayah I need a motherfucking explanation!" He yelled throwing his hands in the air.

While he was talking, all the memories of last night flushed through me. I was high as hell. But he was making my headache worse by screaming.

"Woah Jake calm down. I ain't been cheating on you." I said.

Then Michael came outside with his gym bag. 

"Tayah you good." He said walking towards me.

"Yea. Just talking to Jake." I said.

He looked at me & then Jake before going back in the house.

"Jake look,  I got high last night. Like really high. Me,  Michael,  Honey & Chris. I was out of it.  Michael answered my phone when you called. I was in bed & he was on the floor. Before you start yelling,  ask me calmly next time. " I said.

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