Chapter 27

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Michael P.O.V

"Feel good to be home." I said to myself stepping into my apartment.

Yea if y'all ain't know,  I live by myself since ma got a new boyfriend. I ont like his ass & I just couldn't deal  & since I was 18 I could legally move out.

I looked around & seen everything was how I left it.

I decided to call up Tay & see how she doing.

"Hello?" She asked answering the phone.

"Wassup with you ma.?" I asked.

"Nothing. Just chillin." She said.

"Your ma see them scratches yet? " I asked.

"It was the first thing she noticed. I just told her I fell getting out of the tub. She was skeptical but left it alone." She said.

"Oh aight. Just know that nigga gone get handled." I said.

"Don't kill him Michael." She said sternly. "Just whoop his ass. "

That gave me an idea, but I'll use that later.

"Yes mam." I said causing both of us to laugh. "You coming to my game tomorrow? "

"Duh. I'm always at the games bae." She said.

"Well I'm gone let you get to sleep sweetheart." I said rubbing my eyes.

"But baby I ain't sleepy. " She said.

"Well shit let's talk. " I said smiling.


"Nah I would've punched that nigga." I said seriously.

"But baby,  he gay." She said laughing.

"I ont care. If that nigga tryna swing his dick on me, I'm gone beat his ass." I said.

By then she was dying of laughter but I was serious af.

"Bae you so silly! " She said as her laughter turned into a yawn.

"What time is it? " I asked.

I heard shuffling in the background before she responded.

"5:21." She said yawning again.

"Oh shit. I gotta rest up for this game. I'll see you still school, okay?"

"Alright." She said.

"I love you Tay" I said.

"I love you too Mikey." She said before hanging up.

I turned over & immediately drifted off to sleep.


"Shit!" I whined as my alarm clock went off. I was only sleep for 2 hours & my ass already gotta wake up.

I got up,  took a shower,  & threw on my basketball Warm Up. I went outside,  got in my Audi & rode out heading towards school.

"Wassup Ty." A girl named Brenda said as I got out my car.  I chucked her the dueces & kept on moving.

"Ty!" Heather yelled across the parking lot,  cheesing extra damn hard.

"Shit" I whispered to myself & kept walking.

"I know you hear me boy! " She yelled causing a scene. I was way to sleepy for all this shit.

If I would've know letting Heather give me head would've turned out like this,  my ass wouldn't have done the shit.

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