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The game of Quidditch was in three days time and everyone was eagerly waiting for it, the players were busy training in the field when Gwen walked in "I see you have come to wish me luck" Malfoy grinned.

"I don't belief in luck" Gwen walked past Malfoy and headed towards Cedric, Malfoy didn't like it but he tried to act cool about it.

"Didn't see you there" Cedric smiled as he saw Gwen standing right in front of him.

"You need a new pair of eyes then" Malfoy snapped as Cedric looked at Malfoy irritably.

"I've come here to ask you about your father" Gwen looked at Cedric.

"He's out of station now, but he'll be back before the game" Cedric looked at Gwen.

"Well then for now I've to wait" Gwen said tying her hair up in a bun.

"Wait! are you going to watch us play" Cedric mumbled as he saw her tying up he hair.

"Hell no! I'm going to play" Gwen smirked as she snatch the broom from Cedric.

"Let the game begin" Cedric yelled as everyone got upon their brooms to practice.

It was a neck to neck competition among the four team Gryffindor, Slytherin, Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw, where Hufflepuff took the victory "you played well, I should say" Gwen said looking quite impressed at Cedric as she got down from the broom.

"Thank you" Cedric bowed his head in respect.


"I heard you played well today" Harry said as he caught upto Gwen, who was walking in between Lilly and Jill.

"News do fly don't it" Gwen said in a questionable tone as she looked at Henry.

"Yes, it does because everyone knows you" Harry chuckled looking at her.

"Do they" Gwen raised her brows as they headed towards their next class.


As everyone got seated in the great hall, professor Dumbledore had announced a great news to them his very old friend Gandalf the grey from middle-earth was to visit Hogwarts in a weeks time with three of his best men. Everyone was thrilled they heard a lot about middle-earth but didn't get a chance to be there, only three students from Hogwarts came from middle-earth and one among them was Jill herself, Jill Baskin came from Gondor middle-earth. She had a lot of knowledge about middle-earth and was very excited that people were visiting from middle-earth itself, she narrated to Gwen and Lilly about the prince Aragorn from Gondor as he was a brave fine man.

"I've to meet this prince Aragorn" Gwen grinned as she heard about him.

"Let's hope he visits too, he's one among the best men of Gandalf" Jill squeaked.

"I just hope that the three best men of Gandalf would all be handsome and strong" Lilly smirked.

"Like your boyfriend you mean" Jill and Gwen joked as they burst out into laughter making their way upto their bedrooms.


As the buzz was growing for the games Gwen was just waiting for the return of Cedric's father Amos Diggory, Amos Diggory was an old friend of Gwen's father and he was a close friend of professor Dumbledore he had valuable information about the Dark lord that Gwen wanted to know. Gwen knows that the council was hiding a lot from the students about the dark lord and she needed to find out as her heart was not in peace since the last sightings of the dark lord in Hogwarts.

"You and your interest in the dark lord" Lilly hissed as they walked towards the library "I'm sorry" she apologized in an instant as she saw Gwen giving her an irritable look.

"Don't ever speak to me that way" Gwen snapped as she left Lilly and Jill behind and headed towards the washroom.

"Gwen" they both called but she didn't turn.

"What do they think of themselves" Gwen hissed as she braided her hair, Gwen was brought up with a silver spoon that sometimes she forgets the world outside her comfort zone.

"Talking to yourself. I see" Hermione gave her a sarcastic look.

"Because I'm my own soulmate" Gwen folded her arms as she saw Hermione behind her.

"I see that" Hermione chuckled as she washed her hands standing next to Gwen.

"So, are you excited about the visitors from middle-earth?" Hermione asked, she never really talks to Gwen but something in her changed that day.

"I should say I am" Gwen smirked as she adjusted her tie gazing into the mirror.

"I heard Gandalf is one of the greatest wizard in middle-earth" Hermione smiled.

"Then he might be a good help in fighting the dark lord, don't you think?" Gwen raised a brow.

"I see your interest in him is growing daily" Hermione gave her a worried look, Gwen didn't respond but grinned as she left the washroom. Hermione was worried she didn't know what Gwen was upto but it didn't sound nice, Gwen is always a problem she thought.


As the day of the Quidditch game finally arrived everyone was seated in their respective places and as the game started Gwen was searching for Amos Diggory instead of concentrating on the game, she finally spotted him sitting next to professor Snape. She quickly made her way to Amos "can I have a word with you" she whispered.

"My dear, Gwen" he looked delighted as he hugged her gently, Gwen sat next to him and they talked in whispers even professor Snape couldn't understand what they were talking about and he didn't pay any attention to them. Childish talks he thought as he concentrated on the game instead, for almost two hours the game continued until Gryffindor took the trophy in the end with the help of Harry Potter everyone rejoiced but Gwen didn't she knew what was coming she looked at the crowd in despair.

"Not so happy that our team won?" Harry asked softly as they sat in the dinning hall.

"It doesn't matter, it's just a game" Gwen murmured as she searched the room with her eyes.

"Who are you looking for?" Harry asked puzzled.

"No one lets not talk, I'm tired" Gwen said as she took a bite of her loaf. Hermione looked at Gwen from the corner of her eyes, Gwen was more than what meets the eyes and she was hiding something from everyone and Hermione had to find out.

Gwen Norrington in Hogwarts (Legolas fan fiction)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now