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"I should say sorry for earlier, I didn't know you had company" Ginny apologized.

"It's not you Ginny, I shouldn't have brought him here in the first place" Gwen combed her hair.

"So what was it like?" Ginny asked rather excited.

"Breathtaking" Gwen gasped.

"You know he's leaving soon don't you?" Ginny looked concerned.

"I do" Gwen tucked herself in.

"You should go with him" Ginny spoke softly.

"Why?" Gwen asked curiously.

"Like you said your roots are from middle-earth and now it's the perfect chance to explore middle-earth" Ginny smiled.

"But you know Harry needs me, I need to be with him" Gwen looked at Ginny.

"Harry have us all" Ginny looked at Gwen, hoping Gwen would leave with them because at the end of the day Gwen's safety is all that matters.


"Gwen you know my birthday falls in December don't you?" Jill questioned.

"I do remember so, do mine five days after yours" Gwen sipped a cup of hot coffee.

"This year we will both be twenty end of our teenage years so, I was thinking what if we celebrate together" Jill suggested.

"What do you mean?" Gwen raised her brows.

"I mean like we could celebrate together. You and I, I and you together" Jill smiled.

"Not a good idea" Gwen muttered as she ran her fingers through her hair.

"Please Gwen, as a birthday gift" Jill looked at Gwen.

"And why would I want to share a birthday party with you?" Gwen asked in suspense.

"Because this year there's a feast of starlight in middle-earth it comes only once in a hundred years and I want you to be there, it will fall on your birthday December 19th" Jill eyes widen.

"And why does that interest me?" Gwen questioned suspiciously.

"Because if we are lucky enough we will get our own star and it's no ordinary star it's a magical star, a star which can grant a wish" Jill smirked.

"You better not be joking" Gwen examined Jill expressions.

"I swear, I'm not" Jill assured her. A feast which comes after a hundred years and a star which can make our wish come true that a thing I won't want to miss Gwen thought to herself but why is everyone and everything pointing her towards middle-earth?


"I guess.....I convinced her enough" Jill smiled as Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn looked at her.

"Well if that's the case then you are a hero" Aragorn chuckled looking at her.

"I did what is best for her, she's one of my best friend" Jill blushed. When Legolas, Gimli and Aragorn approached Jill with their plan to lure Gwen to middle-earth Jill couldn't say no she already had a huge crush on Aragorn from the start and now she's having another crush on Legolas and she wanted what's best for Gwen, I hope Gwen wouldn't find out or she will surely kill me she thought.


The day finally came when the visitors from middle-earth had to leave "I will see you again" Legolas kissed Gwen's forehead as he left making the ladies around envious and heartbroken.

"Write to me" Aragorn whispered as he gave a piece of paper to Hermione before he left.

"I saw that" Gwen grinned as she walked towards Hermione.

Hermione quickly put the paper in her pocket and looked at Gwen "I saw the elf showing his PDA" she giggled.

"Can't blame him for not wanting to leave" Gwen smirked as she left with Lilly and Jill.


Winter finally came and it was the last day at Hogwarts before the winter break "Merry Christmas" everyone wished as they hugged and greeted each other when they entered the great hall.

"What's your plan for the holidays?" Harry asked Gwen with a big smile on his face.

"Still planning" Gwen had a bite of her cupcake.

"We are having a family dinner on the eve of Christmas, it would be nice if you guys could come" Ron invited them.

Hermione sat silent she was thinking about Aragorn all the way until Gwen interrupted her thoughts. "I hope you're not planning a visit to middle-earth" she smirked.

"No" Hermione rolled her eyes. Somewhere, somehow Gwen didn't belief Hermione.


"Mom, Dad I'm home" Gwen yelled as she entered the front door.

"Mistress your parents are out of station" the butler replied.

"Ugh! When will they be back?" She questioned.

"After Christmas, an urgent work came up they send you their apologies" the butler replied politely.

"They want me to spend my holidays alone" Gwen grumbled as she headed to her room.

"Mistress" Dobby appeared.

"I can't belief, I'll be alone this Christmas" Gwen growled.

"You don't have to be mistress I'm with you and you even have an invitation from Cedric, Harry, Ron, Luna, Malfoy, Vincent, Neville, Lilly, Jill___" before Dobby could say more.

"Jill" Gwen yelled "Middle-earth, birthday, feast of stars and a wish" Gwen jumped in excitement.

"I don't get you mistress" Dobby looked at her.

"We are going to middle-earth" Gwen smirked.

Dobby couldn't get more exited "middle-earth hurray!" he rejoiced. Dobby couldn't wait to visit middle-earth and meet more elves and see the kingdom of Mirkwood.


"I'm so glad your in" Jill helped Gwen with her packings.

"I had nothing to do my parents were out of station" Gwen muttered "but I'm curious why didn't you leave for middle-earth, what were you doing in London for a week?" She questioned.

"I was caught up with some last minutes errands" Jill lied.

"Well thats nice because I've never been there and I don't know the way and by the way we are not sharing birthdays, I'm coming there for my wish okay?" Gwen folded her arms.

"I get it but you coming to middle-earth is like a gift only" Jill giggled.

The next day the car dropped them outside an old castle ruins "what's this?" Gwen questioned as she and Dobby followed Jill.

"Our passage to middle-earth" Jill smiled as they walked into the castle. Gwen saw a wall with ancient carvings on the sides, they were not like any language or script she knew about. Jill read those words and in a wink a door appeared and they walked in "Welcome to middle-earth" Jill welcomed them as they stood right outside a mountain.

Gwen Norrington in Hogwarts (Legolas fan fiction)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now