The Room

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"What are the deadly hallows?" Harry questioned professor Dumbledore.

"That my boy you will come to know in the days to come, now leave us we have a meeting" Dumbledore replied as Gandalf entered the office with Aragorn, Gimli and Legolas.

Legolas examined Harry carefully before Harry disappeared down the stairs "he's the chosen one, if you didn't know" Dumbledore looked at Legolas as he noticed Legolas gaze upon Harry, the chosen one maybe that's the reason why Gwen was so interested in him Legolas thought.

"The deadly hallows I've heard of it, if not mistaken" Gandalf studied Dumbledore face.

"Yes, my old friend darkness is upon us once more" Dumbledore expression changed.

"Do you know where the cloak and the resurrection stone lies?" Gandalf questioned.

"That I'm afraid is out of my knowledge"Dumbledore replied. Gimli and Legolas looked at each other but didn't mention the cloak "the lady should leave Hogwarts before the end of the year" Dumbledore gasped.

"That is for certain" Gandalf lit his pipe.

"How is the lady even connected to all these?" Aragorn questioned.

"Like the elder wand, the resurrection stone and the cloak of invisibility makes the deadly hallows even the lady have the blood of an elf, a man and a wizard running through her veins that's one of a kind" Dumbledore looked tensed.

"I hope you know now the reason of our visit gentlemen" Gandalf stood up.

"But we can't force her to come with us, she's stubborn" Gimli folded his arms.

"Seems like you" Gandalf chuckled low as he looked at the dwarf.

"I offered her to join us back to our journey to middle-earth because we needed guidance in wizardry but she still didn't still respond to the offer" Aragorn averted his glance.

"I guess it's up to you Legolas then" Gandalf looked at Legolas who's mind was quite occupied.

"Why me?" Legolas asked quite surprised.

"Because elves have the power of pursuing and you two seem to get along" Gandalf smirked.

"And she seems to like you as well son" Dumbledore smiled.

"I'll try my best" Legolas responded.

"That my boy, you must be careful she's the best in spells and maybe reading minds at times" Dumbledore warned.


"Would you like to travel with me during the holidays?" Cedric asked as he took the seat next to Gwen near the pool.

"Travel where?" Gwen questioned.

"My father's hometown, Charlotte" he smiled.

"That sounds boring" Gwen murmured.

"That's the birth place of the griffin" he looked at Gwen.

"Really? sounds interesting then" she chuckled as her eyes searched the room.

"Who are you searching for?" He asked.

"I think, I just saw someone" Gwen stood up and walked towards the locker "I had a feeling I saw you" she said as she stood in front of Neville.

"Didn't mean to startled you, sorry" Neville apologized.

"I see you with the elf and the dwarf on a daily basis" Gwen raised her brows.

"We get along" Neville lied.

"I feel suspicious, I hope you are not sharing valuable informations with them" Gwen walked around him as she inspected him.

Gwen Norrington in Hogwarts (Legolas fan fiction)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now