Visitors from middle-earth

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Finally it was the day when the visitors from middle-earth arrived at Hogwarts. Professor Dumbledore and the students welcomed them by giving them all a standing ovation professor McGonagall walked in with an old man who looks like the other half of Dumbledore but he was tall, wore a long grey robe with a pointed hat and he held a long wooden staff. He was introduced as Gandalf the grey and he was a wizard behind him was professor Snape along with Aragorn Elessar the prince of Gondor, he was tall broad and looked like a very strong man his hair was dark and he had brown eyes. Behind them followed Gimli the son of Glóin he was a dwarf but unlike the dwarves of Hogwarts Gimli was taller, broader and stronger he walked with pride and confidence right next to him was a man dressed in green his hair was blonde and his eyes were blue, he was an elf known by the name Legolas Greenleaf but since in Hogwarts elves were different none knew he was an elf until introduced.

"He's a true prince" Gwen whispered to Jill as she gazed at Aragorn, she was too busy staring at Aragorn that she didn't notice the others. Professor Dumbledore introduced them one by one and then started the feast the tables were buzzing as some were talking about how strong the dwarf looked and some about how handsome the elf was while others discussed about how manly Aragorn was and some were very interested in Gandalf as well.

Hermione noticed that Gwen was staring at Aragorn from the corner of her eyes and she didn't like the way Gwen was looking at Aragorn because she knew Gwen gets what she wants and Hermione cannot deny the fact that Aragorn was an handsome man and from the very first moment she saw him walking into the hall, she fell for him.


As the students headed towards the library Gwen was questioning Jill what she knew about Aragorn "tell me everything about the prince of Gondor" Gwen looked at Jill with a wide grin on her face.

"Did you guys noticed the elf, I've never seen someone as handsome as him" Lilly said in a very low tune and it sounded like she was about pass out, out of excitement.

"I saw an elf, Dobby is his name" Gwen chuckled as she didn't notice Legolas last night and she wasn't even interested in him. Dobby was an house elf who served the Malfoy family but during the holidays when Gwen came across Dobby she fell in love with his loyalty. Draco Malfoy soon gave away Dobby to Gwen at the consent of his father and now Dobby serves Gwen but unlike the Malfoy family who treats Dobby as a slave, Gwen rather treats Dobby as a very good friend. Dobby became very fond of Gwen and pledge to serve her till death.

"I think he's the elf that everyone in middle-earth talks about, I've heard great tales about him but never knew he was that handsome in reality" Jill said as if in deep thought.

"The elves and dwarves of Hogwarts and middle-earth are quite different" Gwen said as she flipped through some pages not paying any interest to the topic Jill and Lilly were talking about.


After class as the students crowded the hallways Gwen and her two friends headed towards the garden and sat down under a tree. "Hermione" Gwen called as she saw her walking towards the canteen along with Luna.

Hermione and Luna quickly walked towards Gwen "did you see Harry?" Gwen asked as she tossed her wavy blonde hair behind.

"He went to meet professor Dumbledore" Hermione replied as she sat beside Gwen.

"What do you think about our visitors?" Hermione asked out of the blue.

"Neat" Gwen smirked a bit as her eyes searched the garden, not paying much attention to Hermione.

"Do any of them interest you?" Hermione asked awkwardly, hoping Gwen won't be suspicious about her question.

"And why do you ask that?" Gwen grinned.

"I just wanted to know" Hermione replied slowly as she pressed her lips.

"The prince Aragorn seems fine, don't you think?" Gwen smirked wider.

"Yeah, I guess he does" Hermione acted as if she's not interested as they were conversing in the garden they noticed a group of ladies following Aragorn and Cedric as Cedric was touring Aragorn around and another group following Gimli and Legolas as Neville toured them around.

"Stupid b*" Jill looked at them in disgust.

"My time to shoo, them away" Gwen grinned as she stood up and walked towards Cedric and Aragorn.

"Hey Gwen" Cedric smiled as he saw Gwen on the hallways walking towards them.

"Hi! Cedric busy touring?" Gwen smirked.

"Yes, care to join us?" He asked rather excited.

"I don't mind" Gwen was delighted.

"Prince Aragorn let me introduced you to Gwen Norrington, she's the heart of Hogwarts" Cedric smiled as he introduced them.

"Nice to meet you my lady, I'm Aragorn" he bowed his head in respect.

Wow he's amazing and a gentleman Gwen thought "nice to meet you too prince Aragorn" Gwen smiled.

"Please call me Aragorn, I like it that way" Aragorn smiled back, as they explored Hogwarts Gwen was not paying any attention to anything or anyone around except Aragorn. The way he talked and the way he moved he was a true man, a true strong man she thought to herself.

When they reached the clearing Neville was already there with Gimli and Legolas explaining them about the surroundings, the group of ladies who were following them were already shooed away by professor Snape "Gwen are you helping with the tour too?" Neville asked as he saw her.

"Yes, I am" Gwen looked at Neville.

"Let me introduce you to my new friends, Legolas and Gimli" Neville smiled.

"Sure" Gwen nodded as she walked towards the tree where Legolas and Gimli were conversing and gazing down towards the lake.

"Gimli, Legolas I want you to meet my best friend Gwen" Neville gave a big smile as the two friends turned around.

"Nice to meet you my lady" Gimli bowed his head with respect.

"You too" Gwen smiled, Legolas didn't respond he was just staring at Gwen until Gimli gave a light kick on his calf "I'm glad to meet you" Legolas bowed his head and smiled.

Gwen just nodded and asked "but may I ask who is Gimli and who is Legolas?" She looked confused.

"I'm Legolas" Legolas came forward and "I'm Gimli" Gimli raised his hand.

"Nice names you got" a light smirk passed Gwen's face as she walked towards Cedric and Aragorn.

"I know why you were stunned, she's a beauty isn't she?" Neville grinned looking at Legolas.

"She sure is" Legolas smiled "I'd like to know more about her" Legolas looked at Neville as Neville smiled widely and began to narrate what he knew about Gwen. Neville told Legolas that Gwen was from an elite family from London, she was very good with spells and portions and she can be mean and cold on the outside but she's caring and kind in the inside but what Legolas found most interesting about Gwen was that no one can claim her heart she's as stiff as rock when it comes to love.

Gwen Norrington in Hogwarts (Legolas fan fiction)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now