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"Gentlemen welcome to London" Gwen welcomed them as they reached the station.

"So, this is your world" Legolas looked at Gwen as he got down from the train, she nodded.

"As we pass through this wall, we will be in my hometown" Gwen guided them towards the wall.

They reached London on Halloween day, so no one was shocked to see these people in their attire as everyone thought it was a costume for Halloween. Gwen explained to them what Halloween was and why it was celebrated as they strolled across the streets of London "strange place, strange people, strange things" Gimli said as he looked around.

They got into a double decker bus and headed towards 'The London eye' where Gwen explained to them about the eye and they got to ride on it after that she took them to the 'London bridge' and later she showed them the 'Buckingham palace'. The four visitors didn't even questioned her they followed her and nodded as she spoke, they didn't seem amused at all or was she boring them she didn't know. These middle-earth people are so different she thought as they reached the last stop for the night and it was her mansion "I welcome you all to the Norrington's family mansion" she smiled a little as they entered "where's mom and dad?" Gwen questioned as her butler greeted them.

"They will be joining us soon mistress" the butler smiled as they got seated in the common room.

"Feel at home" Gwen said as she headed upstairs to freshen up.

As she came out she saw Legolas walking in the corridors observing their photos "your parents must love you a lot, your pictures floods the wall" he smiled as his eyes were fixed on the portraits.

"Don't yours?" She raised a brow.

"Father do, Mother passed away when I was a child so I've no memory" he said slowly.

"I'm very sorry to hear that but I'm sure she did love you a lot and she still does from the heaven above" she gave him a warm smile, even though Legolas didn't know what heaven meant he knew what Gwen was talking about, she was mentioning a better place a paradise so he smiled back.

"Darling" Mrs Norrington called as she saw her standing with Legolas.

"Mom" Gwen smiled as she went and hugged her mother tightly as her mom kissed her forehead "Mom this is Legolas, Legolas this is my mother" Gwen introduced them.

"Prince Legolas the son of king Thranduil of Mirkwood, I'm so glad and honoured to meet you my lord" Mrs Norrington bowed her head in respect.

"I'm glad to meet you too Mrs Norrington" Legolas bowed with a smile.

"What am I missing here?" Gwen looked at her mother quite surprised.

"My baby don't you know who this is?" She questioned quite surprised.

"He's an elf isn't he?" Gwen chuckled.

"Hold your tongue young lady, you don't know whom you speak to" Mrs Norrington gave Gwen a cold look as she apologised to Legolas.

"It's okay Mrs Norrington I don't mind, I'm used to her being this way" Legolas smiled.

"What a fine prince you are" Mrs Norrington looked at Legolas with a smile.

"Prince?" Gwen looked puzzled.

"Lord Legolas here is the prince of Mirkwood, he's the only son and heir of our very own King Thranduil" Mrs Norrington smiled.

"Prince why didn't you tell me, you were a prince" Gwen looked at Legolas.

"Because I didn't want you to treat me differently" Legolas chuckled.

"Now I feel awkward" Gwen said as they walked towards the dinning room.

Mr Norrington was already seated with the guests at the table when they walked in and as they began to dig in Gwen parents told her why they never mentioned her about middle-earth because they feared she will insist on going there, Gwen mother Georgia was from middle-earth her mother was an elf and her father was a mortal from Gondor that's the reason why she was half-elf and half men Georgia father worked for King Thranduil and that's why the family lived in Mirkwood Georgia father wanted Georgia to marry an elf-lord from Rivendell but when she was sent to Hogwarts for studies Georgia met Robert a wizard and they fell in love and when Georgia father came to know about this he was outraged and against the relationship but Georgia fled from her house to be with Robert and they got settled in London after that all her ties with her parents were broken and that's the reason why till date Gwen's parents don't mention middle-earth to her because it was a forgotten memory for her mother Georgia.

"That's why you are special my child you have the blood of an elf, a man and a wizard running through your vines and that's the reason why you are very unique" Mr Norrington looked at Gwen.

Gwen couldn't belief what she heard but now she knew why she had qualities that differ from the rest of her friends and as they headed back to Hogwarts Gwen was drowning in her own thoughts until Legolas walked up to her "too much for a night eh!" he whispered.

"Do you think?" She folded her arms.

"You are just a box full of surprises" he smirked.

"And so are you my prince" she raised a brow.

"I would like if you called me Legolas instead" he smirked as he looked at her.

"I wouldn't mind calling you that, this prince stuff is sh***y for me" she chuckled.

As they reached Hogwarts the company thanked her for the tour, they said they had a fun time which Gwen didn't really belief because her idea of fun was quite different from theirs "when will I see you again?" Legolas asked as the others left the station and towards their quarters.

"Soon" Gwen responded.

"You are special" he looked at her.

"Goodnight" she chuckled as she walked away but in an instant Legolas pulled her towards him, she looked at him awkwardly "what do you want?" She asked looking at him.

"One last thing" he smiled as he leaned in and kissed her slowly, she hesitated but kissed him back. She could feel her heart rate pumping up and his warm breath all over her, until she heard a footstep and backed away as she turned back she saw Dobby looking at up them.

"I didn't mean to stare" Dobby looked away.

"You scared me idiot" she chuckled.

"I'm sorry, Dobby was searching for mistress" Dobby gave her an apologetic look.

"It's okay, let's go now" she smiled as she stretched her hand towards Dobby and he grabbed hold of it like a little boy.

"So is it over?" Legolas gave her a desperate look.

"Don't be so desperate" she giggled as she walked away with Dobby, she couldn't belief an elf kissed her on the bank of the river who was a prince and tonight she kissed him back, is this a dream if so she never wanted it to end.

Gwen Norrington in Hogwarts (Legolas fan fiction)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now