The Kiss

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"Everyone is talking about you and the elf" Ginny murmured as she walked the hallways with Gwen.

"I don't remember a thing" Gwen scratched her head as she couldn't recall what really happened.

"You two were dancing and dancing even after everyone left so lost in each other's eyes, so romantic" Ginny squeaked.

"I thought you had a thing for the prince not the elf" Lilly looked at Gwen rather annoyed.

"I had a thing for the prince until it died last night, when I saw him with Hermione" Gwen folded her arms as she looked at Lilly.

"I didn't mean to be rude but I like the elf" Lilly looked at Gwen.

"Then why don't you confess your feelings for him?" Gwen gave a stern look at Lilly and walked away. This was not the first time Gwen came between her friends relationship, she remembered the time when Cedric was dating Cho Chang and how Cedric dumped Cho because he wanted to take Gwen to the movies or the other time when Hermione and Viktor Krum had a thing and Gwen basically ruined everything she didn't intent to but trouble always seem to find her. She never wanted all these to happen but it just happened and when people blame and dislike her for what she didn't intent to do she lost herself and that's the reason why she became so cold but inside she had a lot of love that only few could see.

"How was it, did you kiss?" Jill asked Gwen excitingly as they sat on the canteen.

"Nope" Gwen took a bite of her food.

Lilly joined them along with Dobby as Gwen gave an unwelcoming look at Lilly "I'm sorry Gwen, it's not in my place to say that to you earlier but I really did like him if he likes you then I don't mind" Lilly apologized.

"I'm not even sure about that, this middle-earth men are hard to crack" Gwen took another bite.

"I saw how he looked at you last night" Lilly gasped.

"And he got asked by almost ninety nine percent of the ladies in Hogwarts including me but he declined politely saying he wanted to go with his friend Gimli" Jill said trying not to sound like a loser.

"Really you asked him out.....I thought you liked Aragorn" Gwen giggled.

"I do like Aragorn but there's something in the elf that Aragorn doesn't possess" Jill gasped.

"And I asked him twice once before the ball and the other at the ball, he declined again and walked straight towards you like you were his everything" Lilly looked at Gwen and chuckled so do Legolas really like her or he's being a gentleman because Gwen was kind of high last night, she needed to know the truth as soon as possible.


"Legolas" Gwen called as she saw him on the bank of the river shooting his arrows, a group of girls were sitting on the rocks and drooling over him like he was a delight.

Legolas turned and saw Gwen heading his way "my lady" he smiled as he kept his bow and arrow down. The ladies looked at Gwen and started whispering, they didn't like what they saw last night and now Legolas and Gwen on the banks together not happening they thought.

"What brings you here?" He asked.

"I wanted to talk to you, about last night" she looked at him in an unreadable expression.

"Yes, about that I wanted to talk too" he said "do you want to talk in private, this bank is taken" he looked around and saw a group of ladies scattered here and there staring at them.

"I don't care about them" Gwen raised her brows as she wanted the answer as soon as possible.

"You are a handful" he chuckled.

"Did you ask me for the dance because I was alone?" She asked curiously.

"Yes, I did but from the start I did wanted to go to the ball with you but I didn't have the courage to ask you out" he smiled.

"What really?" She questioned in suspense.

"Yes, because I knew there will be a lot of guys out there and you will have a date by the time I approached you and I didn't want to end up disappointed" he looked at her.

"That means you didn't even care to try because you don't want to be disappointed" she folded her arms.

"I didn't have the courage to approach a beauty like you, you should know" he smirked a bit.

Gwen felt her cheeks growing warm again but she ignored the sensation snd told him "but you did approach me last night".

"Because I couldn't keep myself from you any longer" he admitted.

"I don't think that's the truth, I think you are just playing with me" Gwen snapped.

"Because I didn't kiss you?" He asked as a light smirk passed his face.

Gwen had no answer for that "let's not talk about this, I've class to attend" she said as she turned away but Legolas pulled her towards him and in an instant pressed his lips against hers, everyone in the bank was shocked. Gwen didn't kiss him back she backed off and ran away without a word as her heart pumped faster.


The word of the kiss have spread to every corner of Hogwarts like a wildfire "I heard about the kiss" Harry looked at Gwen as they sat on the table.

"He kissed me but I didn't" Gwen hissed.

"You should have punched him then" Ron whispered as he looked at Gwen.

"Are you guys insane, this is the most romantic thing ever" Ginny squeaked.

Gwen felt embarrassed whenever people looked at her she thinks they are looking at her because of her famous kiss that happened on the bank of the river in front of the ladies, it was just a kiss and nothing to be ashamed of but Gwen felt uncomfortable because her life was like page6 in Hogwarts. Even some professors might have seen us who knows that bank is so open she thought.

"How was the kiss, spill the beans" Jill squeaked as she walked with Gwen.

"Nothing, I didn't kiss him back" Gwen grumbled as they headed towards their bedrooms.

"What are you serious?" Jill asked shockingly, Gwen nodded her head as a yes.

"Can I have a word with you Miss Norrington?" Professor McGonagall asked.

"Sure" Gwen said as she walked towards her.

"The news of you and the elf on the bank of the river have reached the ears of everyone in Hogwarts. I hope next time there will be no such incidents, I'm not saying it's wrong but there are even juniors around" she raised her brows.

"Yes, professor McGonagall there won't be" Gwen replied rather embarrassed.


"I don't know why he did that in front of the whole school" Gwen growled as she got into her bed and wrapped herself up under the soft white blanket.

"Because he loves you" Ginny smiled.

"What?" Gwen questioned.

"It's clear that he loves you and he proved it in front of everyone in Hogwarts today or why would he take such a step" Ginny said as she sunk into her bed. Maybe Ginny was right, why would Legolas kiss her in front of everyone if it was not real maybe he wanted to proof to the world that he really wants her in his life but Gwen was very uncertain about it because she has never fallen in love and have no idea or knowledge about it.

Gwen Norrington in Hogwarts (Legolas fan fiction)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now