The last fight

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When Bellatrix was sucked in and the pit closed, there was pin drop dead silence in the room everyone feared what Gwen could do, she was powerful more powerful than anyone or anything they have seen or heard of "don't be afraid Malfoy, that would never be your fate" she spoke slowly as she said that Dobby appeared out of thin air and he transported them to another place.

"Can you doom the dark lord into the pit too?" Ron asked as they walked through forest.

"The dark lord have the elder wand I'm afraid" Gwen said, everyone was stunned they knew that was the most powerful wand ever created.

"But what if suppose we were able to snatch the wand from him" Luna looked at Gwen.

"I'm afraid there is more" Gwen paused and then she looked at Harry "Harry you should know this to kill the dark lord completely and to send him to his doom, you should die too because half of him lives in you" Gwen gasped. Everyone was shocked again but they didn't questioned because now they know the mark on Harry head, it was no ordinary mark it was a mark that Harry was connected to voldemort they were all sadden and silent until Harry spoke up. "I'm not afraid to die, let's do this" he walked forward as they reached Hogwarts everyone was scared to see Harry, they knew the dark lord was looking for him and he would kill anyone who is with Harry but Cedric, Neville, Ginny came forward and stood with Harry.

"We don't have to be afraid, together we can defeat the dark lord" Hermione yelled.

"Is it so?" professor Snape came forward.

"You killed professor Dumbledore" Harry looked at him in anguish.

"What?" Gwen stood up in horror.

"What are you doing here?" Professor Snape looked at Gwen in terror.

"I'm here to end the reign of the dark lord forever, only to find out now that my very own professor killed Dumbledore" she hissed.

"You know nothing Gwen" Snape looked at her.

"Please! don't let me kill you" Gwen grabbed her wand tightly, her blood was boiling as professor McGonagall and professor Snape got into a fight the students backed off. Harry left the scene & went to face Voldemort, while Ron and Hermione went after Nagini the final Horcrux.

"Look for the sword of Godric" Gwen commanded Dobby and Neville as they nodded and left.


"Go back to Hogwarts, bring back the lady before it's too late" Thranduil commanded.

Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli along with Jill decided to travel back to Hogwarts to protect Gwen little did they knew she needed no protection "the dark powers can't be fought by swords" Jill gasped as they walked through the forest.

"We are no ordinary warriors, we fought the dark powers across middle-earth" Aragorn looked at Jill.

"I know that my prince but Hogwarts is different" she looked rather tensed and worried.

As they reached Hogwarts they noticed that things have changed a lot and the reign of the dark lord was upon the place as everything became fowl and dark "looks like the kingdom of Mordor" Gimli looked around in horror.

As Ginny and Gwen walked around they came face to face with Aragorn and Jill, Jill hugged Gwen but Gwen didn't look happy "I know what you all did, to stop me from coming here" she snapped.

"I'm sorry Gwen, it was for your own good" Jill apologised as she looked down.

"Drop the apologies we have to look for the dark lord, Nagini or the Godric sword so, help us out" she said as they walked towards the bedrooms.

"Mistress, I saw the dark lord and his army approaching Hogwarts" Dobby appeared.

"Finally the time has come, we have no time to waste go and warn everyone" Gwen commanded.

As she walked towards the bathroom to ask Myrtle if she had any knowledge of all these she dashed Legolas "My lady" he exclaimed.

She gave him a look of anguish she couldn't belief Legolas played with her feelings by dragging her to middle-earth, what Legolas felt for her was true but she have been lied to by many she couldn't trust his feelings now "go away" she snapped.

"Give me a chance to explain" Legolas walked behind her. "You had all the chances in the world Legolas, but you didn't utilize them when needed so now you can leave" she stormed away from him.


As the dark lord stood by the gate of Hogwarts he and his evil army fought the forces of Hogwars after talking to Myrtle, Gwen got the idea that Nagini was always with the dark lord so she raced towards Hermione and Ron and told them about it. Neville have found the sword of Godric by then and he was talking to Legolas and Gimli about the sword and it's power when Gwen walked in with Dobby "as soon as Nagini is in sight, cut her head off with that sword" Gwen said as she left looking for Harry.

Harry was now face to face with the dark lord in an epic battle, Gwen and Dobby were watching them from a distance. Gwen couldn't belief this was the last time she would ever see Harry again she never got a chance to tell him how much he means to her. He was a friend that only the luckiest people in the world deserved, Gwen looked around and saw her fellow friends fighting the dark powers. Hogwarts was always her home and she always failed to see it and now in the end she's realizing everything as she was lost in thoughts Harry was defeated by the dark lord and he collapsed on the floor, tears fell down from Gwen's cheeks but she knew it was destiny and she couldn't do a thing she raced towards the others to see if they found Nagini but found Ron and Hermione on the floor "where's Nagini?" Gwen asked in terror.

"The creature went after Neville and Ginny" Hermione said as she placed her hands on her bleeding forehead.

"Dobby take care of them" Gwen commanded as she raced towards the great halls, Neville was not in sight and nor was the sword but Nagini was right in front of Ginny as Ginny froze in terror. Gwen threw a spell on Nagini which made her angry and she turned towards Gwen, Gwen knew Nagini cannot be killed by magic for that the sword was needed as Nagini tried to attack Gwen she tried her best to protect and defend herself "Gwen" Ginny yelled at the top of her lungs as she saw the chandeliers falling down from above after Nagini tail slapped them, when all hopes were failing Legolas raced forward and pulled Gwen behind him.

"We need the sword to kill it" Gwen said in pain as the bricks of the walls fell and hit her.

Gimli and Neville raced towards them as Legolas tried his best to distract the snake, the snake dropped more bricks upon them and it hit them but Gimli was quick enough to grab the sword and he threw it towards Legolas who was facing the snake with his knives but Legolas was so busy with nagini he didn't get a chance to notice the sword being thrown towards him but Neville caught the sword in an instant and within a second he chopped off the head of the snake, she screamed in pain and terror as she collapsed. The dark lord heard the scream and he froze, his last and most powerful Horcrux was destroyed and that means he was next.

"Gwen" he screamed as she searched for her, Gwen knew she had to face the dark lord alone she raced outside looking for him until she saw him face to face "your time has come, my lady" he moved closer towards her.

"And your time is gone" she yelled as they got into a fight Gwen knew her wand can't be compared to the elder wand she hoped Harry was there to help her, because Harry's wand could connect to Voldemort she felt tired and weary unable to fight no more as she fell on the ground.

The others were searching for Gwen but they couldn't find her, Hogwarts was spelled. Gwen saw Legolas, Ginny and Aragorn yelling her name but she knew they couldn't see her. A drop of tear fell from her eyes when she knew that Legolas did love her truly and how wrong she was for not telling him how she really felt. As the dark lord stood beside her she felt her body going numb and cold, she wished from her heart Harry was there because Harry would know what to do so she closed her eyes in pain but then she heard a faint sound which woke her senses up as she tried to focus she saw it but couldn't belief her weary eyes Harry was fighting with the dark lord, was it a dream or was it real she didn't know but she completely lost her senses after that.

Gwen Norrington in Hogwarts (Legolas fan fiction)[COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now