CHAPTER 2: Stranger

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~Bee do bee do bee do~

(Y/N) "Damn you alarm!"

I turned off the alarm and went to the bathroom. I took a shower, brush my teeth, comb my hair, and put on my school uniform. Oh! And as always, I never forget to wear shorts under my skirt. Why? Some boys these days are such perverts. I went downstairs and greeted my mom.

(Y/N) "Morning mum..."

(Mom) "Sit down. I got pancakes and bacons."

She gave me my breakfast and I ate it. I felt eyes staring a tme. I knew it was my mom. Everyday, she would do that and it's uncomfortable.

(Y/N) "What..."

(Mom) "What more trouble are you going to get yourself into, missy?"

(Y/N) "More than you can imagine..." I said with my mouth full of pancakes.

(Mom) "Will you ever stop being such a troublemaker and focus on school?"

(Y/N) "I am. I'm the top student in school..."

She sighed. I finish my breakfast.

(Y/N) "Bye mum. Love ya!"

I rushed to the door and put my shoes on. As I was running to school, I bumped into someone. I fell on the ground and so did the person.

(Y/N) "Aish! What a bad start of the day?!"

I stood up and saw a boy standing in front of me.

(???) "Say sorry for bumping into me."

(Y/N) "Sorry."

(Y/N) "Loser..." I said quietly.

(???) "What did you say?!"

I smiled at him. He looked at me up and down.

(???) "Say... You have a perfect body. Why do you even wear shorts under your skirt?"

My eyes widened. This pervert!!! He's the first guy to do this to me. No one in school ever done this to me because I'm a troublemaker and I took taekwondo class so if they do that, they know that they'll be killed by me. I looked at him with sharp eyes.

(Y/N) "I wear shorts under so perverts like you won't see!"

He chuckled.

(???) "Do you know who you're dealing with?"

(Y/N) "Do you know who you're dealing with? I'm the biggest troublemaker in school."

(???) "A girl like you???"

He started laughing. I looked down and sighed thenlooked back up at him.

(Y/N) "Do you know you're messing with the wrong person here?"

He stopped laughing and looked at me.

(???) "A cute little kitten?"

He is so damn annoying!!!

(Y/N) "You asked for it!!!"

I punched him in the jaw. He fell down and cursed quietly. The boy stood up and looked at me.

(???) "We'll meet eachother soon... My little troublemaker girl.."

He walked away. I stand there, frozen.

(Y/N) "Who says that I'm his... We'll meet again soon? NEVER.... I hope..."

TroubleMaker : Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now