Chapter 6: Closer

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It was Monday so I got ready and took an apple to eat since I didn't want to cook. I opened the door to go out but I saw someone stood there, frozen. I screamed and jumped because I got frightened. The person looked up. Kim Taehyung!!! He started laughing at my reaction.

(Y/N) "Yah!!! You scared the hell out of me you bastard! Why are you even here?"

He didn't answer my question. Just for a moment, another question popped up in my mind. I looked at him.

(Y/N) "Wait... How did you know I live here?""

(Taehyung) "Remember that day when we party all night?"

I nodded my head slowly.

(Taehyung) "You were drunk so I asked Jay if I could take you home and he told me your address and street."

I looked down and cursed quietly.

(Y/N) "Damn you Jay..."

(Taehyung) "Happy to see me?" he said, teasing me.

I looked at him and smiled weakly. He took out something from his backpack and handed it to me. Donuts?

(Taehyung) "Eat it."

I didn't take it from him.

(Taehyung) "If not, then I guess I can have it all to MYSELF."

I quickly snatch the box of donuts from his hand.

(Y/N) "I'll eat it... I'm hungry."

I took a donut from the box and so did he. We were walking to school together. That one week, Taehyung's always on my front door every weekday and has something for me and him to eat.

My mom came back home and was about to cook but I stopped her.

(Y/N) "Mom! It's ok... You don't have to cook."

(Mom) "Are you sure?"

I nodded my head and headed out the door. I saw Taehyung standing there... With a box of egg rolls. This boy... Is seriously something. I walked to him and he smiled at me. He handed me the container and I took one out and shoved it in my mouth.

(Y/N) "You know... You don't have to do this, right?" with my mouth full of egg rolls

(Taehyung) "I know but I want to..."

As days went by, I started to get closer with Taehyung. But why am I getting closer with him? Aren't I suppose to... You know.... Hate him?

Why am I having this weird feeling? What kind of feeling is this?! Kim Taehyung! What have you done with me...?

TroubleMaker : Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now