Chapter 15: JEALOUSY... (Part 1)

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I didn't want to get close with Taehyung even if he was nice to me... FOR A MOMENT...! But he just keeps bothering me everyday. I really hate it.


I don't know why but I just want to get closer to (Y/N) again. Why? I don't even know...

It's just that whenever I'm with her, I always have this weird feeling inside of me. But I don't freaking know what kind of feeling is this. It's KILLING me!!!

She just... She just look so beautiful every time I see her. Aish!!! Kim Taehyung!!! What the hell is wrong with you now?! Forget this! I'm thinking too much...

I walked to my classroom. On the way walking, I heard voices. I turned to look who were they.

It was only Rocky with a girl.

(*OUT OF TOPIC* Rocky from "ASTRO". Just saying if you don't know who he is... Ok! Continue your reading ^_^)

I looked closer to see who was he with. A girl but who...? I looked closer. The person had her head down.

(???) "What..."

That voice.... It can't be (Y/N)'s voice... right?

(Rocky) "So.... (Y/N)... Do you want to go somewhere after school?"

Did he... Did he just say.. (Y/N)???

She looked up.

It's actually (Y/N)!!! But why am I so surprised. I hid behind the corner and peeked to see what they were doing.

(Y/N) "Don't want to..."

She was about to walk away but Rocky grabbed her wrist. She turned around and looked at him.

(Rocky) "Just this once... Cutie..." He smiled.

She pulled her hand and let go of his hand.

(Y/N) "Who said you can call me cutie!!"

He smiled and ruffled her hair.

(Rocky) "Please...?" He said cutely.

(Y/N) sighed and walked closer to him. Their faces were only a few inches away.

(Y/N) "Fine... But just this once, ok?"

He smiled brightly and pinched her cheeks.

(Rocky) "Aigoo... Then I'll see you in front of the school gates, ok?"

She moved Rocky's hands from her cheeks and rubbed her cheeks.

(Y/N) "Yea yea yea... Aish... You pinched my cheeks so hard you dumb rock."

(Rocky) "Ok then I'll see you later... Troublemaker." He ruffled her hair and walked away.

(Y/N) turned around and a smile formed on her face.

(Y/N) "That dumb rock..." She walked to class.

(Taehyung) "There's no way they're dating, right? Or is Rocky trying to hit on (Y/N) because of her perfect figure? What if (Y/N) falls in love with him?"

TroubleMaker : Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now