Chapter 4: New Member in Club

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It was nighttime so I decided ot have some fun since it's been 3 weeks. I wore a black laced crop top and shorts with a beanie. I went out to find my troublemakers.

(Y/N) "Found you! Hyuna, CL, Tiffany, and Jay Park!"

Yea. They were girls except for Jay Park. The only boy frined in the group.

(Jay Park) "Hey! We haven't seen you the past few weeks. Where did you go?"

(Y/N) "Sorry... I had some stuffs to take care of..."

(CL) "Let's go b*tches..."

(Hyuna) "Yea! Party all night in our troublemaker club!"

(Tiffany) "Lets go."

We had a club for troublemakers. It's a place where we all have fun and be troublemakers, of course. With loud musics, spray paints, skateboards, and more.

(Jay Park) "Here we are!"

(Y/N) "I miss this place... ALOT!!!"

We entered the club and loud music hit my ears.

(Y/N) "Whoa!!! This is it! This is lifeu~ MUSIC!!!"

I started dancing to the music and so did my troublemkaers. Everybody in the club were doing what they were doing. Me? I was jumping and dancing to the loud music, like a crazy monkey. I stopped dancing and went to the bar to get my beer. While I was drinking, I looked around the room but someone caught all my attention. The DJ. Is that... Taehyung? Kim Taehyung?! I went to Jay Park.

(Y/N) "Hey! Jay... Is he new?"

I pointed to the DJ.

(Jay Park) "Oh! Kim Taehyung? He's a new member. Man! His DJ skilles are badass! Yo Suga!"

He called Suga. Suga turned and saw Jay. He walked towards us.

(Suga) "Hey Jay! Oh... Hey (Y/N)! Long time no see."

(Y/N) "Yoongi... Don't get too drunk."

(Suga) "I won't. Why are you calling me Yoongi? It's Suga."

(Y/N) "Yo Suga! Swag! A to the G to the U to the STD!!"

(Suga) "SWAG!!! Yea man! Infires man!!"

Suga was one of our best rappers in the club. I left Jay and Suga and went back to the bar. I took a sip and felt someone tapping my shoulder. I looked behind me and saw Taehyung. I spit out my drink on his face, accidently. He wiped it off his face.

(Taehyung) "Really?!"

(Y/N) "Sorry. Let me help..."

I took a towel and started cleaning his face. He grabbed my wrist.

(Taehyung) "So why are you helping me? I thought you hated me..."

(Y/N) "Shut up Tae..."

I stopped wiping his face and threw the towel at him. He chuckled. I took another sip of my drink.

(Y/N) "You're pretty good. DJ... So whose taking over?"

(Taehyung) "Hoya."

I looked over and saw Hoya. That boy is amazing! He's the best DJ we've got. The music stopped.

(DJ Hoya) "Yo! Everybody! Yall troublemakers! Our new member, Kim Taehyung will be taking over when I'm on vacation with my family, ok? His DJ skills are pretty good too so don't complain. New member, Kim Taehyung, would you accept this?"

I look at Taehyung.

(Taehyung) "Of course Hoya hyung! Now, turn on the music and lets party all night!!!"

Hoya turned the music on. Everybody started to do their own thing again. I drank a lot. Maybe got drunk but I could still handle it. I stopped on my last cup and put my head down. My eyes started closing slowly. I felt something soft and warm on my lips but I didn't want to open my eyes.  I still felt it. Something warm on my lips so I decided to open my eyes. I was still drunk... Probably... But I saw someone. A boy... His eyes were closed and his face was close to mines. What is he doing? I closed my eyes again. I couldn't feel it anymore so I went to sleep.

(???) "I must be crazy right now..."

TroubleMaker : Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now