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I don't really remember much since I wrote this a long time ago but I read through everything😅To make a epilogue But I found that I didn't need to (waste of time reading but hey! reading is good😂)
Thanks to CaptianShiper (she said I should do a epilogue so I thought about it and yes, I decided to do a epilogue ^-^)


"YAH KIM TAEHYUNG!!" I shouted, at him.

He flinched and slowly looked at me. "...Is there anything wrong...?" He asked clueless but scared. I scoffed at his question. "Didn't I tell you many times already? I told you to take our son, Jack, to his daycare!" I told him. He started scratching his neck nervously, giggling softly. "HURRY!!" I yelled. "OK OK OK!!" He said, standing up from the couch.

Yea... Ever since I gave birth to Jack, I, well...WE, wouldn't focus on being troublemakers. Why? Of course! We want the best for our son. We don't want him to become troublemakers like us.

Come to my surprise, Taehyung got accepted to be an actor. His first drama that he filmed was 'Hwarang'. That's my bae!! Although he did die from his hyung's poisonous sword -_-
I started working as a fashion designer in the biggest company in Seoul, South Korea. I didn't come to find that fashion designing was my thing until I tried it out. Hehe... Wait... Talking about my job, what time is it anyways??

I checked my watch. "HOLY SHITT!! Taehyung! Give me a ride to work."

He looked at me with a warm smile, having Jack in his arms. "Of course I would love to give you a ride, right Jack?"

Jack put his hands out. "I LOVE YOU MOMMY!!"

I pinched his cheeks. "Aigoo. My little Jack. You're only 4 years old, yet, you're such a smart kid. *cough cough* Unlike your *cough* father *cough*."

"Wait what?!" Taehyung exclaimed.

"NOTHING...!" I gave him an awkward smile. He gave me a kiss and . . . "Ew." Jack said, closing his eyes with his hands.

-- In the car --

"Eomma... Appa... How did you two meet?" Jack asked.

Taehyung and I glanced at each other with a dorky smile on our faces. "Let's just say... Your dad played with a naughty kitten." I replied.

"Naughty? Kitten? So dad was playing with a kitten that was being bad then you came along and played with the kitten too?" He playfully respond, not knowing what I meant.

"You can put it that way." Taehyung giggled.

"Eomma! When will I have a baby sister?"

That question hit me like a bomb. "Ummm... Probably soon??" Yea... I was ensure of it. From the corner of my eye, I can see Taehyung's smirk. "We'll give you a baby sister as fast as you will know it." Taehyung answered. "Wait... What does that mean?" I thought.

Once we sent Jack to his daycare, Taehyung drove me somewhere, which isn't leading me to my workplace but home. "Taehyung. What are you doing? I have to work today." I told him.

"Tell them you're sick or something."

I groaned and started calling my manager. "Hey there Mrs. Joon. I'm sorry that I can't make it today, I feel a bit unwell." "I promise I will after I come back." "Thank you Mrs. Joon." "Yes, I will take care of myself very well and come back when I get better." "BYE." I ended the call and looked at Taehyung. "Hapy now?" I asked.

"More than happy." He replied.

Once we got home, I started asking him questions. "Why are we going home for?" "Are you too bored without me?" "You know... Today was Mrs. Joon's birthday? And yet, I can't go because of someone...!!" "Why did you want me to call in sick anyways." "Yah Kim Taehyung, why am I staying at home instead of-" My sentence was cut off as he picked me up bridal style. "...work..." I finished my sentence, looking at his beautiful face.

"Didn't you hear Jack? He wanted a baby sister and I promised him that we will." He started carrying me to our bed and laid me down gently.

"You know... I rather work than do this." I said.

He gave me a smirk. "Oh really? Well... I'll change that sentence. The good thing is that Jack isn't here, leaving you and me alone. So... Y/N... Shall we?"

"Yah Kim Taehyung-" My words were cut off by his kiss. Yea... I wanted it badly. I put my arms around his neck and kissed back.
[ Why does this epilogue look weird. I'm probably just not good at epilogues. I dunno😂 ]

TroubleMaker : Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now