Chapter 16: JEALOUSY... (Part 2)

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(Taehyung) "What if I... Forget it" I whispered quietly then walked to class.

I went to the classroom. (Y/N) was sitting on her seat, smiling like a total idiot but I find it cute. Dunno why but it's cute. I gotta be honest with it.

I sat next to her. The teacher came in the classroom and we started our lesson. For the whole hour of class, I only stared at (Y/N). She's been smiling for almost an hour now. I don't think she's focus on the teacher's lessons. Oh well... That means I can stare at her beautiful smile longer.

(*Y/N POV*)

After school, I waited outside the school gate for Rocky. I spotted him coming out.

(Y/N) "ROCKY!!!" I waved my hand for him to see me.

He saw me and smiled. He walked towards me and dragged me somewhere.

(Rocky) "Lets go!"

(Y/N) "Where??"

(Rocky) "Be quiet and just let me lead you..."

(Y/N) "Fine meanie!" I pouted and followed him. Or maybe more like being dragged by him. Eh...

He took me an amusement park.

(Y/N) "This.." I said with my eyes wide opened.

(Rocky) "Remember when you begged for your mom to come here when you were little? Apparently she was busy and didn't have time so you only got to go here once in your whole entire life. Now.. Just relax and enjoy the fun, cutie. And no causing trouble you troublemaker."

I smiled brightly and looked at him.

(Y/N) "You really..."

I hugged him tightly with excitement.

(Y/N) "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you Rocky!! You're the best!!" I squeezed him tighter.

(Rocky) "(Y/N)... You.. are... hugging me.. too.... too.... tight.."

I broke the hug and looked at him, still smiling. As I can see, he was breathless. He inhaled and exhaled deeply. I looked down.

(Y/N) "Sorry..." my smile faded.

(Rocky) "It's ok.. So which ride do you want to go first?"

I looked up quickly and smiled brightly again.


He grabbed my hand and led me to a rollercoaster.

(Rocky) "Lets go!"

I was enjoying my time with him that I didn't even notice something...


After school, I followed them. Rocky took her to the amusement park. She hugged him tightly and smiled brightly. The brightest smile I've ever seen when she smiles. They went in. To a rollercoaster. I followed them the whole day at the amusement park.

At night, they went home. I decided to follow them. I didn't know why but I did. For some stupid, random reason.

(*Y/N POV*)

Rocky walked me home.

(Rocky) "Ok so I'll see you next time cutie." He ruffled my hair.

I removed his hands from my hair and looked at him.

(Y/N) "Stop calling me cutie because I don't like it."

(Rocky) "Why?"

(Y/N) "Because I'm not cute you stupid rock! Use your brain!"

I crossed my hands and pouted. He giggled and cupped my face.

(Rocky) "I have proof that you're cute. Right now... Always... You're always cute, even when you try to act like a troublemaker, it's still cute." He smiled.

(Rocky) "Gotta go now (Y/N). See you later.."

He kissed my forehead and left me. I watched him as he disappeared from my eyes. I decided to walk inside but someone grabbed my wrist. I looked back to see the person.


(Taehyung) "How do you know him? Why were you guys at the amusement park together? Tell me!"

(Y/N) "Calm down, geesh..." I removed his hand from my wrist and turned my body around to face him.

(Taehyung) "How can you go with a random guy to some place? What if he did something bad to you? How can you let him kiss your forehead? Why would you-"

I cut him off.

(Y/N) "Kim Taehyung!! You stupid asshole! He's my cousin, stupid."

He looked at me confused.

(Taehyung) "Cousin? Him? Rocky? Your cousin?" He face palmed himself.

Something popped in my head. I looked at him curiously then smirked.

(Y/N) "Why did you follow us?"

He looked at me then avoided my eyes.

(Taehyung) "Uh... I... I... I-"

There... I cut him off again.

(Y/N) "You're jealous, right?"

He looked at me with wide open eyes. He avoided my gaze again and looked down, scratching his head.

(Taehyung) "It's not that... It's just that I-"

(Y/N) "Then what is it? If you're not jealous then tell me. Why did you follow us? Why are you so mad when he kissed my forehead, huh? Answer me..."

He still had his head down.

(Taehyung) "Uh... I... I will see you later!"

He ran away. I smiled.

(Y/N) "He's so cute..."

I was about to walk inside but I stopped my steps before going in.

(Y/N) "Wait... Cute? Did I just called him 'cute'?"

TroubleMaker : Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now