Chapter 11: What... Why...?

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After what he said, I've been scared. I thought I was going to be safe but no. He's in my class and he sits next to me.

At lunch, I didn't feel like eating anything so I walked around the whole school but I stopped my steps. Something caught my attention.

Sunny? Taehyung?

I hid behind the wall and listened to their conversation.

(Sunny) "I like you Taehyung! TaeTae I like you!!"

One of those words hit me. 'TaeTae'.

I kept thinking to myself, "TaeTae... TaeTae... Tae... Tae...?"

I left them and went to the classroom.


I saw (Y/N). She was hiding behind the wall, listening to our conversation.

I thought to myself, "Let's have some fun..."

I smiled at Sunny.

(Taehyung) "Then be my girlfriend. You like me, right? I like you too so let's date from today on."

She blushed. Tch! Got another girl. These girls are so stupid.

(*Y/N POV*)

I walked back to the classroom. The class started. I couldn't focus on the lesson. All I was thinking about was the name 'TaeTae'.

I thought to myself, "TaeTae... I've heard that before... Somewhere. But where? Where had I heard that?"

(Y/N) "Tae...Tae..." I whispered to myself quietly.

Something flashed in my head.



"Lets date.."

"I'm just playing with you..."

"You're such a loser."

"You son of a b*tch!!"

I was on the ground with blood on me.



My eyes widened. Now I remember. That troublemaker... That bastard... Kim Taehyung. I could feel anger in me.

I punched my desk and stood up angrily from my chair and yelled, "WHY?! WHY NOW?! F*CK THIS SHIT!!!"

I noticed the teacher looking at me angrily and the students giggled.

(Teacher) "Miss (Y/N)! Please speak properly in school!! Sit back down!"

I sat back down slowly and put my head on my desk.

Taehyung whispered, "Awww... Looks like my kitten got in trouble."

(Y/N) "Shut the fuck up or I'll beat you up." I whispered to him.

It was break time so I went to the storage room. The room where I would always go to sleep or go on my phone, relaxing.

When I got in there, I was about to sit on the couch but the lights turned off. I looked around and found a little light. I turned it on. The room still looks dark but not too dark like before. I was about to sit down but someone grabbed my wrist and pinned me on the wall.

(Y/N) "What the heck! Let go you idiot!! Let go!"

(???) "Shut up will you?!"

I stopped struggling when I heard that voice. Taehyung's voice.

(Taehyung) "Good girl..."

He came closer to me

(Y/N) "Don't you come any closer. I remember... Kim... Tae... Hyung. The troublemaker who I fell in its trap."

I could see him smirk through the little light from the lamp.

(Taehyung) "I guess I can't play with you again so maybe, I should play a different game."


(Taehyung) "Don't move kitty..."

He put his hands on my collar. He pulled the string of my bow tie and untied it. He threw it on the ground.

I couldn't move. I wanted to kick him, but my body wasn't doing anything. I just stood there, frozen.

He kneeled down and rolled my high knee socks down to my ankles. He went back to my collar and began unbuttoning my shirt. One unbutton... Two unbutton... Three unbutton... He stopped unbuttoning. He smirked.

(Taehyung) "Don't worry. I'm not that bad. I won't do it. This is it...."

He left the storage room. Leaving me there, frozen, trying to process what he just did to me. After a few moments, I rolled up my socks and buttoned my shirt then tucked it back in. I fell on the couch and stared blankly at the ceiling.


After I realized what I was doing, I stopped unbuttoning.

(Taehyung) "Don't worry. I'm not that bad. I won't do it. This is it..."

I left the room and went to the rooftop. I looked at my hands.

(Taehyung) "What did I just do? Did I just...? Why? Why did I do it to her? She was the first girl I've done that to... What the hell did you do, hands?" I whispered to myself quietly.

Why? What?

TroubleMaker : Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now