Chapter 10: Forgotten Memories

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It's been 49 days since (Y/N)'s been like this. Her last words before she not waking up, was my nickname, 'TaeTae'. Her friends forgave me for what I did to her. Today is the 50th day that she won't wake up, or will she? I sat besides her and fell asleep. For a moment, I felt someone's hand trying to get free from me. I opened my eyes and saw (Y/N)... Awake.

(Taehyung) "(Y/N)!"

I hugged her tightly. Her friends came in the room and was surprised that she woke up after a long period of time, sleeping, like a hibernating bear. I could feel her struggling, trying to escape from the hug. Finally I pulled her away from the hug but what shocked me even more was that she slapped me. All her friends opened their mouths wide open in shock. I knew this was going to happen already...

(Y/N) "Who the hell are you?! Hugging me without my permission..."

Those words shocked me more than the slap. I turned my head to look at her friends. They seemed shocked too. She just said "who are you" to me...

Tiffany came towards her and sat next to her. She put her hand on (Y/N)'s forehead.

(Tiffany) "(Y/N)... Do you remember us...?"

(Y/N) removed Tiffany's hand off her forehead and sighed.

(Y/N) "Of course you idiots! You're Tiffany. That's Jay Park, Hyuna, CL, Hyuna's boyfriend Hyunseung... and..."

She pointed to all of them, saying their names and then at me. She paused for a moment.

(Y/N) "You... I don't know this alien here."

I look up and she smiled.

(Hyuna) "(Y/N).. You don't remember Taehyung? Kim Taehyung? The one who you fell in love with and had some kind of problem?"

She looked confused and stared at Hyuna.

(Y/N) "Me? Fell in love? Tch! With him? What's so great about this guy...?"

Everybody looked at her. Silence filled the air. I couldn't say a word... Nothing... I tried saying something but those words are not coming out of my mouth.

(*Y/N POV*)

Silence filled the air. I looked at everybody's face. They all had straight faces. They looked... Emotionless???

(Y/N) "Yah... What's with all these straight and emotionless faces, huh?"

(CL) "Nothing... We can leave now, they told us that as soon you discharge, you can leave."

I nodded my head and changed into my new clothes that Tiffany bought for me. We went out of the hospital after I was done changing and signed some papers.

(Y/N) "Hey guys. Can we go clubbing tonight? Please?"

They all looked at me in shocked.

(Jay Park) "Are you sure?"

(Y/N) "Yeah... Come on! I won't drink. Besides, I can't. I just got discharged from hospital so how am I gonna drink?"

(CL) "I guess... Lets go."

I jumped up and down excited.

We got there in about 15 minutes or so because we took Jay's car.

We all entered in the club. I went to the wall to spray paint it. I grabbed a red color and started spraying the wall with random words and symbols.

(???) "Hey cutie!"

I looked to my left. The person who hugged me. Kim Taehyung? Right? I think that's his name. I went back to my painting.

A black spray paint went over my words and symbols. I glared at Taehyung.

(Y/N) "What?! What do you need?!"

He came closer to me and whispered in my ears.

(Taehyung) "I want you to remember this handsome guy right here."

I scoffed.

(Y/N) "And if I don't?"

I could feel him smirking.

(Taehyung) "Then I guess I'll have to make you remember or maybe.... I can have some fun with you again."

...What does he mean... FUN...

TroubleMaker : Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now