Chapter 14: It's not what it looks like

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I woke up the next morning and found myself in bed. I looked around and saw... Taehyung... Topless!!! I looked at myself. I only had my tank top, my shorts, and my fishnet stocking but not my buttoned shirt.

(Y/N) "(Y/N)... What did you do?" I whispered to myself quietly.


I put my arms around him and we kissed.


I hit my head.

(Y/N) "You stupid girl! What did you do? No way you could've done it... Could I? I was drunk. Damn that alcohol!" I whispered loudly to myself.

Taehyung groaned and started moving around the bed like a little puppy. He opened his eyes a bit.

(Y/N) "Do you see me?" I waved my hands in front of his eyes.

He suddenly closed his eyes again and went to sleep. I sighed in relief and headed to the bathroom to clean myself after drinking yesterday and not taking a shower. I took my clothes off and went in the shower. The warm water hit my body. It felt refreshing. I don't know why but it just feels refreshing.


I woke up from a sound...


I rubbed my eyes and look to my side. (Y/N) was gone. Did she go take a shower? I got up and went to my closet, grabbing a random shirt and wore it.

She did took a long time. "What's taking her so long in there??"

An idea popped up in my head.

"Maybe I should wait in front of the door until she opens it. Let's see her reaction!" I smiled happily and started jumping to the front door.

(*Y/N POV*)

I got out of the shower and wore my old stinking clothes. I opened the door.

(???) "HOHOHOHO!!!!"

I flinched.

(Y/N) "What the hell?! KIM TAEHYUNG!!! Stop it!"

He smiled brightly and looked at me up and down.

(Taehyung) "Want to wear my clothes? You don't want to wear that outfit that smells like alcohol, right?"

I was about to say no but he does have a point... It does have the strong alcohol smell.

(Y/N) "S-Sure..."

(Taehyung) "What did you say?" He leaned his ears forwards, pretending not to hear me.

I looked down and sighed.

(Y/N) "YES YES YES!!!" I screamed in his ears.

He flinched backwards and rubbed his ears.

(Taehyung) "I didn't tell you to scream... Ouch..."

I looked down and smiled. He went to his closet and searched for clothes. It took him a while to get clothes for me. He came back with a gray t-shirt and some of his boxers. I reached my hands to get it but he moved it to his back. I glared at him.

(Taehyung) "You've been wondering if we've done it or not, right?"

(Y/N) "What do you mean?" Trying to not look suspicious.

(Taehyung) "We didn't do it. Yesterday, we were kissing, right? But in the middle of when I was about to unbutton your shirt, you stopped me so I pulled away. Eventually, you puked all over me and on yourself so I had to bring you to my house. I put your clothes in the washer and I had you sleep over since your house is so far away from mines and it was late so yeah... It's not what it seems like. We didn't do it but I wished we did."

I looked down and saw the clothes behind his hand. I quickly grabbed it.

(Y/N) "I didn't say that I wanted to know..."

I ran to the bathroom.

(Taehyung) "She's so cute..."

I went in the bathroom and started changing.

Someone banged the door. I stopped changing.

(Taehyung) "Hey! Come eat breakfast downstairs. I'll be waiting."

He left and I started changing into the boxers.

After I was done, I went downstairs. I sniffed the air. Something yummy!!!

(Taehyung) "Sit down."

I sat on the chair. He came back with two plates. Korean egg roll, bacon, and pancakes. I took a bite and swallowed it.

(Y/N) "This is.... DELICIOUS!!!" I said with my mouth full of food.

He smiled. He leaned towards me. I started moving backwards.

(Taehyung) "Stop moving when I'm trying to wipe the syrup on your lips."

I stopped moving. He wiped the syrup off my lips and smiled. He wiped it on a piece of napkin and continued eating.

(Y/N) "What is this again? Why...? Is it feelings for him again?" I said in my head.


"What is this feeling? I've never felt it before. Why do I always have this feeling whenever I'm with (Y/N)? What kind of feeling is this? I've never experienced it before...."

"What kind of feelings are these...?"

TroubleMaker : Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now