Chapter 5: The Cute Troublemaker Couple

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I found myself in bed. I couldn't remember anything last night. I only remembered drinking and partying in our club. Saw Taehyung the new member and then I fell asleep. Who took me home? Must be Jay Park. It's 10:30. Man! I'm lucky! Today is Saturday!! If it was on a weekday, I'd be killed by mom for sure. I got out of bed and went to the bathroom. When I was done, I wore my ripped jeans and a big jacket. It went all the way down to my knees.

I went downstairs to search for mom.

(Y/N) "Mom?"

No answer. I looked around the house and saw a note on the kitchen table.

(*NOTE*) "I'll be back in a week. I need to take care of some stuffs at work so take care of yourself honey and please, don't get in too much trouble (Y/N). I'll be back. Love ya! -mom"

I sat on the chair and sighed deeply.

(Y/N) "Mom's gone... What am I going to do?"

I decided to go to the store to get some ingredients for my spaghetti. As I was walking to the store, I saw someone familiar. Woozi?

(Y/N) "Woozi?!"

He turned back and saw me. He came running towards me and hugged me tightly. Very tight...

(Y/N) "Hey... Woozy. I c-c-can't breathe..."

He let go immediately and smiled. He's one of the troublemaker. But a cute one. He's names the cute troublemaker. Nobody can ever say no to him. It can be cute but sometimes, it can be annoying, if he does that ALL THE TIME!!

(Woozi) "Hey little troublemaker! How ya doing?"

(Y/N) "I'm fine. What bout you?"

(Woozi) "Meeting up with my girlfriend."

He what?! He already has a girlfriend?!

(Y/N) "Really?! When?"

(Woozi) "We just started dating 2 weeks ago."

I nodded slowly. Woozi was still smiling.

(Y/N) "Woozi... Sometimes you can be creepy... Like right now..."

(Woozi) "I know..."

(Y/N) "So what's your girlfriend's name?"

(Woozi) "Wait... She'll be here in a moment.'

(???) "WOOZI!!!"

Me and Woozi turned around.

(Woozi) "My girlfriend!"

I was surprised. Shannon Williams?! She was also a troublemaker. A cute one too...

(Y/N) "What a perfect match..."

(Woozi) "I know right?"

Shannon came running towards us and hugged Woozi. She broke the hug and saw me.

(Shannon) "Oh! Hey (Y/N)! Long time no see! How are you?"

(Y/N) "I'm fine... Well gotta go buy my ingredients. Have fun you two!"

Shannon kissed Woozi's cheek.

(Shannon) "Of course we will. We might even cause trouble too. Well, by (Y/N)!"

I walked away.

(Y/N) "I hope they can be a good pair. The cute troublemaker..." I said to myself quietly.

TroubleMaker : Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now