Chapter 19: Prove me wrong

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I didn't know what to do to make her believe me so the only choice I had to was to ask Hyungseung for help. Why? He and Hyuna are together so I guess it's a good idea to ask him instead of Namjoon hyung.

I went to Hyunseung's apartment and knocked on his door. He opened it.

(Hyungseung) "Oh... What are you doing here? At this time..."

(Taehyung) "Sorry hyung. Did I bother you while you doing something?"

(Hyungseung) "No.. I was just gonna go to sleep but you knocked the door so I opened it. It's ok. Come in..."

I went inside and sat on the couch. He sat on the couch besides me.

(Hyungseung) "So what is it?"

 (Taehyung) "Hyung... Help me."

(Hyunseung) "With what?"

(Taehyung) "(Y/N)...."

(Hyungseung) "What about her?"

(Taehyung) "Hyung... I think i'm starting to fall for her but I don't know how to prove it to her that I love her."

(Hyungseung) "Ahhh~ I see..." He nodded his head.

(Hyungseung) "So now... YOU FINALLY REALIZE WHAT LOVE IS?!"

(Taehyung) "You can say that..." I chuckled awkwardly.

(Hyungseung) "Let me tell you... I can help you but..."

(Taehyung) "But what?"

(Hyungseung) "Promise me that you'll never break her heart or I'll kill you. Why? Because she is Hyuna's best friend and if anything happens to (Y/N), Hyuna might not be able to live without her..."

(Taehyung) "Yes hyung! I promise. I will never break her heart. As a man, I must keep my words! So... Would you help me?"

He smiled at my reaction and told me how to win (Y/N)'s heart.

(*Y/N POV*)

I stayed in bed, not wanting to do anything. So boring. I didn't want to go clubbing either. Someone rang the doorbell.


(Y/N) "COMING!!!"

I opened the door and saw Hyuna.

(Y/N) "Why are you here?"

(Hyuna) "Let's go shopping!"

(Y/N) "Hyuna... I don't want to... You know how much I don't like shopping."

(Hyuna) "Please....?" She said with puppy eyes.

(Y/N) "That doesn't work on me, you know?"

I was about to close the door but she grabbed my arm and pulled me in the car.

(Hyuna) "Just this once??"

(Y/N) "FINE FINE FINE!!! Let's go.."

She smiled and closed the door.

We arrived at the mall. Hyuna dragged me to some random store. She started picking outfits while I was just standing there, doing nothing. She handed me the pile of clothes.

(Hyuna) "Here... Try on all of this."

(Y/N) "Why me?"

(Hyuna) "Hurry up and try them on!"

I sighed and grabbed the pile of clothes. I wore every clothes she picked but all of them was a NO.

(Y/N) "Hyuna... I swear... If you say no to this last one, I'm totally going to kick Hyunseung's area. Not you.. Why? Because I wouldn't do that to you."

(Hyuna) "If you do that to Hyunseung, then I'd be glad you did that. Why? Because I'm pregnant..."

(Y/N) "You what?! Pregnant?! GIRL!!! What the hell did you guys do?!"

(Hyuna) "Hey... I'm ok with it. Hurry and go change to the next one."

I went back and changed into the last dress.

I went out

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I went out.

(Y/N) "Hey... Isn't this too short?"

(Hyuna) "OH MY GOD!!! You look amazing!! Who cares if it's short?"

(Y/N) "How about you?"

(Hyuna) "Don't worry about me. Lets go!"

We went to my house. Hyuna did my hair and makeup.

(Hyuna) "All done! Lets get going!"

I let her drive because I didn't know where to go. We went to a really fancy place. I followed Hyuna inside.

(Hyuna) "Ummm... I called for the private room."

(Worker) "Oh yes! Follow me mam.."

We followed him to an amazing room, filled with diamond light, glass walls, and the room is just so clean. The scent of the room smells nice.

(Hyuna) "Hey... Hyunseung told me to meet him downstairs. I'll see you later, ok? Enjoy your night..."

She left me. I sat on the chair and stared out the window, admiring the great view. The door opened.

(Y/N) "Hyuna did you-"

As I thought it was Hyuna, I turned my head around and saw Kim Taehyung.

(Y/N) "What are you doing here?"

(Taehyung) "My treat tonight, babe.."

He came closer to me.

(Taehyung) "Sit down, our food will arrive soon."

I sat down without hesitation. The waiter came in with food. We ate quietly. After we finished, I sat on the couch and stared outside. Someone blocked my view. Kim Taehyung. He kneeled down.

(Taehyung) "I'm sorry for what I've done in the past and I just want you to know that I really love you with all my heart. I'm not lying about this. You were the very first girl to ever fight back and played along with my games. You are really cute, even if you try to act bad and most of all, I always wonder.... How can you steal my heart away when other girls can't?"

(Y/N) "Kim Taehyung..."

(Taehyung) "If you think I'm wrong... Then prove me wrong..."

TroubleMaker : Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now