Chapter 12: BAD...!

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~Bee do Bee do~ (6:30)

(Y/N) "Just 5 more minutes..."

~Bee do Bee do~

(Y/N) "Argh!!! Shut up will you!"

I rubbed my eyes and looked at the time.


(Y/N) "Shoot!! Late late late!!"

I ran to the bathroom and washed my face. Didn't have time to take shower so yeah. I went to the closet and search for my school uniform.

(Y/N) "Where is it?! AHHH!!! Where is that uniform?!"

I stopped searching and was thinking of where I put it.

(Y/N) "Oh! Dryer!"

I ran to the dryer and took the clothes out. I wore my clothes.

(???) "Girl! Wear your clothes in your room!!"

(Y/N) "Sorry mom..."

I continued putting my clothes on. And lastly, the skirt. Done!

(Y/N) "Bye mom not eating. I'm late!"

(Mom) "(Y/N) just have a-"

Before she could say anything, I slammed the door and started running to school.

Finally, I've arrived! I walked in the school without banging on the lockers. I came in quietly as a mouse. I looked at my time. YES! It's only 8:00 and school starts at 8:10.

I headed to class. During the teacher's lessons, I felt a pair of eyes staring at me.

(Y/N) "Kim Taehyung... If you don't stop staring at me, I swear of god, I will poke your eyes out." I whispered to him while looking at the teacher, teaching.

He didn't answer me. He kept looking at me through the whole period so I loosened my hair and put it on my side, to cover my face.

Lunch time...

I finished my food early so I walked around the school. I don't know why but there's nothing to do. While I was walking, I heard someone crying from the storage room. I went to go check. Sunny?

Why is she crying? What happened?

I walked to her. When she saw me, she moved back a bit.

(Y/N) "Don't worry. I won't hurt you... Promise..."

I sat besides her. She was still crying. I patted her back for comfort but she cried even more.

(Y/N) "Sunny... What happened? Why are you crying??"

(Sunny) "T-T-Tae-Taehyung said that h-he was only p-pl-playing with me... He doesn't love me..."

My eyes widened.

(Y/N) "Taehyung? Again?" I was saying in my head.

My hands rolled into a fist.

(Y/N) "He will pay for what he did..."

I stood up and left her alone in the storage room. I went to my classroom, where Taehyung would be in, right now, talking to his friends.

He was just sitting there, talking to his friends and laughing. I stomped my feet all the way to his seat.

(Y/N) "Kim... Tae... Hyung..."

He looked at me and smiled.

(Taehyung) "Hey kitty-"

I cut him off and started yelling at him.

(Y/N) "You shut your damn f*cking mouth!! Why did you do that to Sunny?! HUH?! Why did you do it to an innocent girl like her?! When are you going to stop doing these kinds of useless and stupid things?!"

He looked away, trying not to make eye contact.

(Y/N) "Look at me...."

He didn't look.


He looked at me and smiled.

(Taehyung) "Are you done talking?"

I slapped him really hard on his cheek.

(Y/N) "You better not play with any girls heart or I'll kill you."

I walked a few steps and he spoke.

(Taehyung) "So you like me?"

I turned around, facing him.

(Y/N) "What do you think? I... Hate... You... More than I hate myself..."

I turned around and walked to the door. I stopped my steps and looked back halfway.

(Y/N) "Sometimes, I gotta say... You are such a loser..."

TroubleMaker : Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now