CHAPTER 3: A New Troublemaker in school...

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As I came running inside the school building, I started banging on the lockers all the way to mines. I put my stuffs in my locker and headed to my first class.

I sat all the way in the back in the corner, next to the window. No one sits next to me and I'm fine with that. The bell rang and the teacher came in. I put my head on the desk, facing the window

(Teacher) "Class! We have a new student. Kim Taehyung."

(Student Taehyung) "Hello I am Kim Taehyung..."

I didn't bother to look at the new student. I still had my head on the desk when I heard someone sitting next to me. I still kept my head down. I knew it was the new student.

(Student Taehyung) "Hello... My little troublemaker girl..."

I froze.

I was thinking, "Those words. Is he...? No... No way... He can't be that guy I bumped into earlier, right?"

I faced the other way to look at the new student. I was surprised and looked away. I cursed quietly.

(Y/N) "Shit... Why...?"

(Taehyung) "What did you say? I can't hear you..."

This brat! I really want to punch him again but decided not to since we were in class. The bell rang to go eat lunch. I didn't feel like eating so I went to the rooftop.

(Announcement) "Miss Y/N! Come to the office... RIGHT NOW!!!"

I was confused.

(Y/N) "What the hell..."

I went to the office and saw the principal staring at me. He didn't look too happy.

(Y/N) "What is it?"

(Principal) "You! Why did you spray paint the front school's wall?!"

I was confused. Spray paint the school wall? I wouldn't do such a thing cause this is a school.

(Y/N) "I didn't do anything. And beside, why would I spray paint the school's wall? That's not me. Well... I only do it on other walls and stuffs but not on school's wall."

(Principal) "Don't lie! This is bad enough! You will have to clean this up Miss Y/N!!!"

(???) "But I did it principal..."

I looked back and saw Taehyung.

Him?! He did it? And I took all the blame for it?! This asshole...

(Taehyung) "I did it. Not her, principal... I'm also a troublemaker... But maybe worse than my little kitten here. My little kitten did nothing wrong sir."

He smiled at the principal then the principal looked at me. I looked away. Ugh! This boy is.... CREEPY. I got his arm off of me.

(Y/N) "Who said I was your little kitten or your little troublemaker? I'm no ones. Not even yours. Now if you'll excuse me..."

I bowed to the principal and walked out. Just a few steps away from the office, the door opened. Kim Taehyung... I walked faster but he grabbed my hand and pulled me to his chest.

(Y/N) "You bastard!!! Let go or I'll do the same thing I did to you this morning..."

He chuckled and let me go. He put his hands on my shoulders and bend down a little to get to my eye level. He looked into my eyes.

(Taehyung) "But you're my little troublemaker. My naughty kitten."

I shook his hands off my shoulders.

(Y/N) "You're talking about some shit here. First of all, I have a name. Y/N! Second, I really don't like you. I got in trouble because of you and took the blame for it! And third, I belong to no one and that includes you so let me go or you'll see the other side of me. And no one would ever want to see the bad side of me."

He chuckled. I walked away from him.

(Taehyung) "But you'll be mines soon! Y/N!!!"

As I heard his words, I scoffed.

(Y/N) "Never in my whole entire life bastard!!!"

I walked out the door and walked away from school. I don't care about school now. I just need to keep my distance away from that creep.


"Oh... You'll be mines soon. Better watch out Y/N. I might do something bad..."

*Evil laughs*


TroubleMaker : Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now