Chapter 17: Feelings for you

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As days went by, I'm always having this unknown feeling inside of me whenever I'm close with (Y/N). This is seriously killing me...!!

I got home from school.

(???) "Kim Taehyung... Why do you look so.... not yourself?"

I looked at him.

(Taehyung) "Oh... Namjoon hyung..."

I sat next to him and sighed.

(Namjoon) "What is it? I can help you if you need it."

(Taehyung) "Hyung..." I looked at him.

(Namjoon) "What is it? Tell me so I can help you and if you're not going to tell me, then I can't help. Your choice... I'm not forcing you.."

I sighed again and looked down.

(Taehyung) "Hyung... Help me... This feeling inside of me is killing me whenever I'm with this person.."

(Namjoon) "And who might that be?" He asked me.

(Taehyung) "(Y/N)..."

(Namjoon) "A girl?? So tell me. What feeling is it? How does it feel like?"

I sighed again before looking at him and answering his question.

(Taehyung) "Whenever I'm with her, I just feel so calm. It's just like I'm flying whenever I'm close to her. And inside of me, this feeling is always killing me. Why? Because I'm always nervous around her... Well, not always but yea. I just... I've never felt this kind of feeling before and I don't even know what kind of feeling is this and-"

Namjoon hyung cut me off before I could finish my sentence.

(Namjoon) "Love... The feeling of love you idiot. You are always nervous when you're around her. You feel like you're in what... Heaven? And it's always killing you because you have butterflies inside of you whenever you're close to her. It's love... Idiot."

I looked at him.

(Taehyung) "Love?? But love doesn't exist in this world... Could it...?"

He shook his head in unbelievable.

(Namjoon) "As your hyung, I have to be honest with you... You've been playing with girls that you don't know what love feels like and now..."

For a second, I thought he was going to yell at me or ground me for everything. But he didn't...


Well he did scream but he didn't punish me, which was good. But....

(Namjoon) "But your grounded..."

And there you go... I'm grounded. GREAT~

(Namjoon) "Just kidding!!" He smiled happily. "Now do me a favor."

(Taehyung) "What favor...?"

He tapped my head slowly.

(Namjoon) "Tell her that you have feelings for her..."

He stopped tapping my head. I looked at him in shock.

(Taehyung) "You want me to tell her straight away that I have feelings for her after what I've done?!"

He was still smiling and nodded.

(Taehyung) "Fine.... I'll tell her tomorrow or so.."

(Namjoon) "Now, that's the spirit!! Let's do it! FIGHTING!!!"

He smiled and walked into his bedroom, leaving me there, alone in the living room.

I sighed.

(Taehyung) "How am I suppose to tell her that I have feelings for her after all of that... After what I've done..."

How am I supposed to tell her...?

That I have feelings for her.... That I like her and I'm not lying...

TroubleMaker : Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now