Chapter 8: Loser

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I don't know but why do I feel like there's something wrong dating Taehyung? Is it because he's a troublemaker like me but worse? Is it because he's a bad boy? Or is it because something's just not right... I don't know. But I'm just going with the flow.

It's been a month that me and Taehyung's been dating. Everyone in the school knows. The badass couple... That's us. It was nighttime so I decided to go to the troublemaker club. It's been a week already and I really want to have some fun. Not staying home with my mom, watching her ancient histories, stories, something like that. It's boring! Unless if she knows how to watch Kdramas then I'm staying. I went to my closet and took out my ripped jeans, white shirt that says 'EPIC', and my cap then went out of my bedroom. But hey! I'm not going to drink a lot. ~Maybe~

(Y/N) "Bye mom. I'll be back."

She was too focus watching her stuffs so I left her and met up with my troublemakers.

(Y/N) "Hey! CL, Jay, Tiffany... And... Hyuna?"

I looked at them.

(Y/N) "Where's Hyuna?"

(Tiffany) "She started dating Jang Hyunseung."

(Y/N) "Really?! When?"

(CL) "A week ago.."

(Jay Park) "But she's still going to hang out with us."

(Y/N) "Let's just leave the two couple alone. They are a pretty good match you know. Oh! They went to the club first, right?"

(Tiffany) "Yea. Let's go!"

We went to the club. I guess Hoya came back. Id didn't see Taehyung anywhere so I went to the bar and got a drink. As I was drinking, I saw Taehyung. I was about to go to him but I saw him hugging a girl and they... They were kissing.

(Y/N) "Kim Taehyung?! What do you think you're doing?!" I shouted in my head.

I felt tears in my eyes. I got up from my seat and ran back home.

I locked myself in the room and covered my face with a pillow. Tears started slowing from my eyes.

(Y/N) "Kim Taehyung! What do you think you're doing?! With another girl? What the hell is this?!" I screamed with my face buried in my pillow.

As soon as I know it, I fell asleep from crying.

The next morning when I woke up, my eyes were puffy and had dark circles so I tried to cover it with a little touch of powder and foundation. Id did work a little but not a lot. I wore my school uniform and headed out without eating. Taehyung wasn't here like always so I decided to walked to school alone.

As school, I saw Taehyung but I didn't talk to him. He noticed me too but ignored me. We ignored each other for the whole day.

At the end of the day, I was about to head out but someone grabbed my wrist. I turned back and saw Taehyung.

(Taehyung) "Let's talk.."

(Y/N) "I got nothing to say..."

I was trying to free my wrist from his hand but he squeezed my wrist tighter.

(Y/N) "AHH!!! Kim Taehyung! You're hurting me! Let go..."

He didn't care. He dragged me to the gym and threw me to the floor. My knees burned. I stood up with pain on my knees and glared at him.

(Y/N) "What the hell was that for?!"

(Taehyung) "I know you saw everything, right?"

(Y/N) "What are you talking about?"

(Taehyung) "You saw how I hugged and kissed that girl at the club. Are you jealous?"

I looked down and bit my lips, trying to hold back my tears from what I saw at the club the other night. He walked closer to me.

(Taehyung) "A smart girl like you can sometimes be stupid. Didn't you forget? We're troublemakers... You fell into my trap, loser."

I looked at him confused.

(Y/N) "What do you mean 'trap'?"

He leaned closer.

(Taehyung) "I was playing with you. I don't love you... Such a loser."

I couldn't believe what he said to me. I got angry and slapped his cheek really hard.

(Y/N) "You son of a b*tch!!! How can you play with my heart?! Am I some toy?! You bastard! Go to hell!!!"

I felt tears coming out from my eyes. He started laughing.

(Taehyung) "Not my fault that you fell into this handsome boy's trap."

He patted my head and walked away. He stopped once he opened the door and looked back.

(Taehyung) "You're such a loser..."

He walked out. I stood there, frozen. I couldn't believe it. I fell into Taehyung's trap? I thought we were going to work out fine but... No. Taehyung... You bastard. Why me? Why did I have to be the target?

I fell down on my knees and stated punching the floor. I didn't care if my knees hurt. I didn't care if my hands were hurting. I didn't care if it hurts, punching the floor with my fist. I couldn't feel the pain in me. I couldn't feel anything. Not even the pain. I continued punching the floor then decided to hit myself on the basketball pole. It didn't hurt one bit. I kept on doing that until I fell down on the floor.

My head started hurting. My body started shaking. My eyes started closing slowly. I couldn't hear anything. I couldn't feel anything. The pain was gone. I couldn't open my eyes anymore even if I tried.

Is this the end...?

TroubleMaker : Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now