Chapter 9: Regrets

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(*??? POV*)

I went to the gym because I forgot my water bottle yesterday. When I entered the gym, I saw someone lying on the ground. Who is it? I walked to check the person. There was blood on the person's head and on it's hands. I looked at the person. (Y/N)? What is she doing here? Why is she bleeding?!

I carried her to the hospital. The nurse and doctor did what they had to do. The doctor came out.

(???) "Doctor.. Is she ok?"

(Doctor) "She's ok. She's lucky that she didn't lose a lot of blood or it'll be worse. And your name is?"

(???) "Jay Park. He friend."

(Doctor) "I see... Call her parents, ok?"

I nodded and went into the room. I sat beside her and hole her hand.

(Jay Park) "(Y/N)... Because of you, I might be late meeting up with my girlfriend but it's ok. You're more important."

The door opened. It was Hyuna and Hyungseung. Hyuna came running and hold (Y/N)'s hand.

 (Hyuna) "(Y/N)!! What are you doing to yourself?! Who did this to you? What the hell are you thinking, girl?"

(Hyungseung) "I have a feeling that it might be Taehyung..."

I looked at him.

(Jay Park) "How are you so sure?"

(Hyungseung) "At the club, the other night, I saw (Y/N) sitting, drinking her wine but she stopped drinking and looked somewhere so I followed her eyes and it lead to Taehyung. He was hugging and kissing a girl. (Y/N) saw it and when I turned to look for her, she was gone so all of this cause, might be because of Taehyung. Oh Jay! Didn't you say that you had to meet up with your girlfriend?"

(Jay Park) "Huh? Oh... Yea. Both of you, take care of her, ok? I already called the others."

They both nodded so I went out of the room.

(Jay Park) "Before I could meet up with my girlfriend, let's visit Taehyung first." I said angrily but not too loud.

I walked to Taehyung's house and knocked on the door. He opened and was surprised to see me.

(Taehyung) "Hey Jay! How are you-"

I grabbed his collar.

(Jay Park) "What have you done with (Y/N)?!"

He looked at me and smiled.

(Taehyung) "I was only playing with her... She fell into my trap and she blamed me when it was her fault for going into it."

I couldn't take it anymore and punched him. He fell on the floor.

(Jay Park) "Do you know what you've done to her? She was about to die because of you! And now... She not even awake yet. Today when I went to the gym, she was laying on the floor with blood on her head and her hands! She was lucky that she didn't die or it'll be your fault. And probably... By chance... If she doesn't wake up, she could end up dying without leaving a single word"

I looked down and started crying.

(Jay Park) "If she ever wakes up, don't you dare play with her like that again you bastard! Understand?!"

I walked away from his house and met up with my girlfriend. I loved my girlfriend because she would make me calm down from serious situations, like this one.


I was shocked from Jay's words. "By chance... If she doesn't wake up, she could end up dying without leaving a single word."

Because of me, she might die. I started running to the hospital to check on her condition. I ran to the counter.

(Taehyung) "(Y/N)?!"

(Nurse) "Room 123."

I ran to the room but as soon as I got there, I stopped my steps. Her friends were in there. I peeked through the window and saw (Y/N). She still had her eyes closed. I waited outside for her friends to leave so I could go in, without them seeing me and asking me questions.

Finally, nighttime! They left so I went in the room where she was at. She still had her eyes clothes or she might be sleeping, since it's nighttime. I sat on the chair next other bed and hold her hand.

(Taehyung) "I'm sorry... It's all my fault. It's my fault for everything. I'm really sorry (Y/N). I'm such a bad boy..."

I closed my eyes and put her hand on my cheek.

(Y/N) "Tae.... Tae..."

I heard her saying my nickname quietly and opened my eyes wide opened. I leaned forward and looked at her.

(Y/N) "...Tae... Tae..."

TroubleMaker : Kim Taehyung FFWhere stories live. Discover now