Chapter One - The Interview

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I stared at the door, white and simple. My hands trembled, was I seriously standing here? I knocked on the door three times, didn't want to ring the doorbell just in case someone was sleeping. I took a deep breathe trying to keep from panicking.

The door opened slowly, stopped short by a chain. I recognized the face, there he stood only a couple feet away. "Can I help you?" My heart skipped a beat hearing his voice up close.

"Uhh yes sorry, my name is Shiloh and I'm here to interview for the personal assistant job." The door shut and then open fully. In front of me stood Gerard Way in a pair of blue shorts and a black t-shirt with a faded logo on it. His hair was messy and he was holding a mug filled with coffee.

He gestured me in, "Shiloh of course. Come on in, sorry I lost track of time and excuse my appearance." I felt over dressed, wearing a purple blouse and nice pants that flowed. My hair was brushed neatly and pushed back with headband.

We walked past the entryway and into what I assume was the living room. From what I could see the house was amazing and beautiful. The living room had a grand piano, big screen, two recliners and a couch. I could see the backyard from the windows and fell in love with the giant pool.

Gerard sat on the couch and smacked a spot next to him. Slowly I moved towards him and sat down. "Alright well, lets get started." He smacked his hands together, he seemed so relaxed and friendly. "So Shiloh, why should I choose you as my PA?"

Trying to keep my confidence I answered him, "I'm sure you have and have had several interviews for this job. Why should you choose me? To be honest I don't know why, I know there's something different about me, I've always been different."

Gerard quickly got up, went into what I assume was the kitchen and left me sitting there in silence. He returned holding a pen and a notebook. "Sorry, I should take some notes." His hand started writing fast, almost looked like scribbles from what I saw.

"Okay, have you had any experience as a PA?"

"Well not exactly, I mean I looked up to see what all a personal assistant does and it's stuff I did for my mom. Clean the house, run errands, basically be there whenever for whatever."

He nodded and wrote down more notes. "What was your job before this?"

I smiled sweetly, "I was an Elementary teacher. I taught First Grade, I loved being with the children all day long."

"That's amazing, why would you quit that?"

"Well, to be honest I was fired. What happened was the principal didn't care for the children. One day I saw a Sixth Grader bullying some younger students, I took him into the office. The principal just smiled and said this is what kids do, and so after he let the student return to class I started a fight. I ended up hitting the principal and getting fired."

He started to clap, "you got fired for standing up for the kids. I have to applaud you on that. Okay so you have experience with kids, that's good because I have a little girl."

"Yes with my teaching I also babysat my cousins since they were born and they are now eight and five." As if on cue Gerard's daughter came running in and up to her father's side.

"Bandit this is Shiloh, she's here about daddy's job. Can you say hi?"

She walked over and smiled such a sweet innocent smile. "Hello I'm Bandit." She shook my hand.

"I'm Shiloh, it's a pleasure to meet you. Bandit is such a unique and beautiful name. It fits since you're such a beautiful young girl." She smiled softly again, then ran back to Gerard. He picked her up and sat her on his lap.

"Well I think that's all I need, I'll call either way to let you know. Probably within the next few days." I stood up with him, and I shook his hand. While holding Bandit in his arms he led me to the front door. "Thanks again for coming, have a great day."


I watched as she got in her car an left and then I closed the door. "Bandit what did you think about Shiloh?" She was getting so big, I couldn't believe she was four already.

"I liked her, she was nice."

"Are you saying that because she called you beautiful." Bandit nodded excitedly, "yeah I liked her too."


"Oh my God I can't wait for him to call." My roommate was pacing the apartment. "Like seriously you were at Gerard fucking Way's house." Three days have passed since I interviewed for Gerard and still no call.

He said either way, my mind started wondering how many other people were going through what I was. The anxious, nervous and yet excited feeling. "He'll call when he wants to." As if Gerard heard me, my phone started ringing. I don't know the number but answered, it was Gerard.

"Hello.....yes this is Shiloh.....oh hi Gerard.....uh huh.....yes I can meet for should be fine.....can we meet in say an hour.....alright great.....okay see you there......bye."

I looked to see my roommate bursting to say something. Finally she let out a loud high pitched scream. "You got the job!"

"I don't know yet, he just invited me to have coffee."

"Oh please he wouldn't invite you to tell you that you didn't get the job." She was right, my heart started pounding fast. I had to get ready and get over to the coffee shop. Was this really happening? Was I Gerard Way's new personal assistant?

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