Chapter Twenty Six - The Escape

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I woke up early, I would be leaving the hospital today. The doctor told me I could leave when I felt ready and I knew I had to leave before Matthew came back. Yesterday still lingered in my head, Gerard and I kissed again and Lindsey saw. He ran after her but didn't succeed. Gerard came back in crying, "Shiloh I'm done. I'm sorry but I'm going to lose Lindsey, and I know it's not your fault."

I reached to touch his hand but he backed away from me. "Gerard, I don't want to lose you as a friend." Now tears were in my eyes, I didn't want to lose him, he was more then just someone from my favorite band. I knew what he had to do and that this would probably be the last time I saw him. "Gee, go. She's your wife, your love, she needs you, and you need to go after her."

He kissed me on the forehead and ran out the door. Once I was just a fan of My Chemical Romance, knowing Gerard by interviews and Twitter. Now, now I have seen a side of him only the closest people would see. After he left I fell asleep crying, I lost someone I had truly started caring about. I got dressed in the clothes Mikey had got me, signed out and got a ride to a motel.

I entered my room, small and dull, but safe. My brain reminded me that I literally had only the clothes on my back, and maybe a few more dollars. Somehow I needed to get help, all of my things were at the apartment. I picked up the phone in my room and dialed Becky's number. It rings and rings when finally she picks up.

"Becky.....hey yeah it's Shy.....I miss you so much.....I need there anyway you can come and visit.....Matt and I are done.....I lost my job.....I'm at a motel with no money, nothing.....thank you so much.....okay.....yes.....okay bye."

She would be on the first flight she could get on, I gave her the name of the motel and my room number. Matt would be furious when he finds out that I'm not at the hospital. Maybe I deserved to be with him, I ruined my friendship with Gerard and his marriage. Did I deserve to be disciplined, was that the only way for me to learn? I fell asleep, I had dreams about Matt, more like nightmares.

Knocking at the door woke me up, I slowly walked to open it thinking it was Matt somehow he found me. "Shy? It's Becky open the door!" I took a deep breath and opened the door. She hugged me tight, "I'm so sorry about everything. Are you okay?" I shook my head no and she hugged me again.

"I need to go over to the apartment and grab my stuff. Matt should be at work right now, can you drive me?"

"Of course! Anything you need sweetie, let's go." We got in her car, as she drove I just stared out the window, watching everything fly by. She parked outside the apartment, "want me to come in?"

"No, my phones inside though. If you see Matt can you just call me or text me, I just don't want to deal with him today." She nodded, as my feet dragged me into the elevator I felt chills. The last time I was here was the night I was attacked and I still feared coming back. I unlocked the door, using the spare key underneath the welcome mat.

As soon as the door opened I wants to turn back, the ghosts of that night still haunting. I could hear my screams, feel the pain and see their faces. Somehow my feet carried me where I needed to go. I made it to my room, still destroyed. In my closet I found a couple of suitcases and started packing everything. After I got my clothes I grabbed my collectibles putting them in a bin.

My hand fell on the Gerard action figure, broken into pieces but seeing this made me laugh. I remembered the line "I was so emo I fell apart." I placed the pieces in the bin and continued with what I needed to do. I searched my room making sure I had everything when I remembered there were items in Matt's room.

Somewhere in this apartment was my locket he ripped off my neck. So I went to his room, thinking it was a mistake as soon as I opened the door. Shattered glass and blood still on the floor, but it was the blood on his sheets that made me cry. Another reminder of what happened, I felt a hand touch my shoulder and I turned around fast.

Zacky stood there, I backed away from him but he came towards me slowly. "Stay away from me, don't touch me!" I searched for something to hit him with but there wasn't anything near me. I looked on the floor and saw a small shard of glass, quickly I picked it up and held it in front of me.

"Shiloh, I'm not going to hurt you. You have no reason to believe or trust me, but I'm sorry. What I did was disgusting and unforgivable, please I have something for you. Take it and I'll leave you alone." He left the room but quickly returned holding a few items and he placed them on Matt's dresser and left again.

There was my locket, my phone and a new Gerard Way action figure. I put the locket around my neck, phone in my pocket and then grabbed the action figure. Next I went to find Zacky, he was sitting on his bed. "Why did you get me this?"

"To make up the tiniest bit of my soul, it's not enough to save me from burning in Hell."

"Why did you do it? I never did anything to you."

"All I have are excuses, there are no actual reasons for what I did. That night my girlfriend dumped me for another guy, so I decided to drink and do drugs to help ease my pain. When you ran into me I saw you and this hatred came out. I didn't even know what I was doing, it's like some monster took over. I'm sorry."

I noticed he was holding something in his hands, it was a gun. "Zacky, what are you going to do with that gun?"

"Kill the monster." As much as I hated him for what he did, I couldn't let him do this.

"Zacky, you don't have to. Just turn yourself in, redeem yourself."

"You like My Chemical Romance, right?" I nodded, "well you know what they do to guys like me in prison. Can you go now?" I tried to as something but wasn't sure what would change his mind. I left his room and went back to my stuff. My phone buzzed in my pocket, probably Becky telling me to hurry up.

I grabbed my phone and looked at it, "Matt's on his way up". Shit, I needed to move. Running to my bags I grabbed a couple, turned around to leave when I saw Matt standing at my door.

"Shiloh, where have you been? I went to pick you up and you weren't there. You came back to me though, but you need to be punished for running away. Come here."

"No, I'm leaving and you will never hurt me again. I can't believe I ever loved you."

"You still love me and I love you. You're not leaving me, now get over here. Don't forget I was your first, you're mine and only mine."

"I may have wasted my first time with you but I will not waste another." His eyes changed and I could see his anger rising, he came towards me. "Stay away from me!" He moved closer, I had the piece of glass in my pocket so I grabbed it. His had reached for me and I slashed his hand.

"Fucking bitch!" We struggled, I landed on the floor with him landing on top of me. "You're mine and will never leave me." His hands wrapped around my neck, I tried grabbing the glass piece again but failed. Right before I passed out from lack of air, Matt was thrown off me. A hand lifted me up off the ground it was Zacky.

"Grab your stuff and get out of here, now!" I did just that, lucky enough to only have two suitcases and a plastic bin. It would be hard but I could get them all out at once. When I made it to the front door I heard shouting and then three gunshots. I didn't stick around to see who was shot, I got in the elevator calling Becky.

"Meet me at the elevator, I need help carrying my stuff." The doors opened with her ready to go, she grabbed the two suitcases and I had the bin. We threw everything in her car and drove off. I looked up at the window to see Matt staring down at me, his face empty but it terrified me. I know I would have to tell Becky everything but for now, I had escaped.

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