Chapter Thirteen - The Dilemma

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"Oh you are in so much trouble Shiloh." Gerard stood with his arms crossed in the kitchen. He had a cheesy smile which faded when he finally saw my face.

I had been crying, not only was I losing my only friend but I was going to be homeless. He came towards me and put his hands on my arms, "Shy, what's wrong?"

I couldn't hold in anymore, I pressed my face against his chest and started to cry. He moved me into the living room and sat me down on the couch. "Shy, tell me what's wrong."

Somehow through the crying I explained my dilemma. "Becky has to move back home, her mother is sick. Gerard, if I can't find another roommate in a couple days I have to move out. I don't have anywhere to go, I'll have to move and I don't want to leave."

Gerard's hand rubbed my back, trying to comfort me. "Shiloh, I know where you can stay."


"Here. We have the guest bedroom, you're here early and leave late anyway. You basically live here and I won't even charge you rent."

I looked at Gerard, his eyes were sincere and showed a bit of sadness. "I couldn't possibly put that on you, I'd be just a burden to you."

"I don't want to lose you Shy, you're an important part of my life now and Bandit's."

He took me into a hug as I started to cry again. I could have just stayed there, Gerard was comforting and warm. After washing my face in the bathroom, Gerard and I talked some more.

"So how did the date go? Am I matchmaker?"

"The date was great, in fact we're going out again tonight. He bought me red and black roses. Matt was very sweet, you did a great job."

I watched him smirk and start to think highly of himself. "Yep, I'm awesome. I'm basically Cupid now." I gave him a little shove and we laughed. Gerard's face change when I mentioned that Matt had kissed me. Not exactly jealousy because what did he have to be jealous about, this was his idea.

"Oh you guys kissed, who kissed who?"

I could see he really wanted to know the details but I wanted to watch him squirm a little. "Mr. Way I don't think that's an appropriate question to ask your employee." His eyes squinted to glare at me, I bit my lip to help hold my laughter. I felt I was in one of those western movies, which one was going to shoot first?

Gerard shot first, he had me on the floor laughing as he tickled me to get his answers. In a bad British accent he did a James Bond villain impression. "Tell me what I want to know or suffer."

"Okay! Okay! Stop!" He stopped tickling me but hovered above me in case I didn't answer him. "Matthew kissed me, he took me home and kissed me at my front door. Now get off me."

I finished working around the house, cleaning and helping Gerard with errands. When I was done, he hugged me goodbye. At the apartment, Becky was sleeping, exhausted from crying all day. As quietly as I could I got ready for my second date, not knowing where we were going.

Matthew arrived right on time, with another gift. This time it was a collection of horror movies, surprising enough I didn't have any of them. "Matt, you didn't have to get these for me."

"Well these were my favorites growing up, I hope you don't have any of them already."

"No I don't and thank you again." I stood on my toes and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek. It wasn't until now I noticed how tall he was, I'm a good height for a girl. I came in around 5'9 and I imagined he was around 6'1. So he towered over me but not too bad, I was just use to Gerard who is the same height as me.

He walked me to his car, helped me in and made sure I was buckled. I tensed up when he quickly put a blindfold on me, all the worst ideas came to my mind. "Uhh, Matt?"

"It's okay, I just want where I'm taking you a surprise." My mind was screaming "horror movie" and "get out" but my heart said he was not going to hurt me. After driving for what seemed forever, I felt the car come to a stop and heard him turn it off.

Next I felt him get closer, my mind still screaming at me. "We're here." He was right next to me, suddenly he pressed his lips against mine. Without thinking I pushed him away and ripped off the blindfold. He looked hurt and confused. "What's wrong?"

"I'm sorry, my mind was not thinking straight." Matt got out of the car and came to my door. As he helped me out, he pulled me close so we were eye level.

"Shy, I wouldn't hurt you. I'm sorry if I scared you, but look where we are." I looked and saw we were at Game of Tokens. It was an arcade place that served a buffet of food.

"Matthew I'm so sorry, I feel stupid."

He took my face in his hands, "don't feel stupid. Can I kiss you?"

I nodded and in a gentle movement he kissed me again. One of his hands moved from my face to my thigh and starting moving up and down. Now he was kissing my neck, "Matt?" He made a noise acknowledging me. "Can we go inside?"

Matt backed away from me, "of course. I got a little carried away, come on." My heart was beating so fast, I thought it would burst from my chest. After awhile of eating and playing games I started to settle down. It was so fun, we had won a lot of tickets and was now standing in front of the prizes.

"What are you going to get?" I looked and looked, that's when I found it. There was a little stuffed raccoon, it had a black bar over its eyes which reminded me of Revenge Gerard. It was wearing a shirt that said 'Little Bandit' and I knew I had to get it for "B".

"That stuffed animal right there, Bandit would love it." He went up and got it for me using the tickets and he also got something else but couldn't see what. "What else did you get?"

"This." He brought out a red plastic ring with a cheap plastic red gem in the middle. "Shiloh, will you be my girlfriend?"

I giggled, "I would love to be your girlfriend." He hugged and kissed me. The night had gone so perfect but then I had a breakdown. We had just got in the car when Matt asked if I wanted to go home. Without wanting to I started to cry, thinking about Becky leaving and moving and maybe living with Gerard.

Somehow I explained everything to him, and how Gerard offered for me to stay with him. "Well, I have a spare bedroom. It's just me and my roommate, he's a sweet guy like me. Shiloh, you can stay with us."

"I couldn't do that, I just..."

"Shy, you're my girlfriend now. I want to help you, it wouldn't be that weird. You'd have your own room and privacy. Let me show you the place and think about it, okay?"


Matthew drove to his apartment, this place was huge. He laughed when he saw my expression, I was in shock. Another guy was sitting on the couch playing a video game. Matt dragged me over to him, "Shiloh, this is Zacky. Zacky, this is the girl I told you about."

"Hey!" He didn't turn from his game, just smiled."


"Okay, let me show you where you would sleep." He led me to a bedroom that already looked like it was occupied.

"Matt, it looks like someone already sleeps here."

"Yeah I do."

"You're cute but I better be getting my own room if you want me to live here."

"It was worth a try, come on this way."

Now he led me down the hall, he opened the door to reveal a plain bedroom. It was empty and needed some color. "It's not much but maybe with a little creative touch you can make it your own."

"Matt, this is perfect. If you're sure it would be okay to stay here, I think I will accept the offer."

"Of course, you won't even have to pay rent. Free of charge."

"I can't do that, how much would rent be?"

"Don't worry about it, I mean it."

I smiled at him, this was going to be great but now I had to tell Gerard that I would not be staying with him.

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