Chapter Thirty Two - The Epilogue

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It's been six months since that night, not a day passes that I don't think about Shiloh. The trial was coming to an end finally, the jury was out to make their verdict. We all ended up speaking as witnesses, there was no way Matthew would get off. Right now we all sat in a restaurant that was nearby the courthouse, we would be called when the jury makes their decision.

Lindsay was next to me, she was eating her meal. Mikey was across from me, his stab wound was healed but left a small scar on his thigh. At first he walked with a limp but was back to walking normally again. Becky was next to Mikey, they had found her in Matt's car tied up and gagged. We sat in silence, I stared at my meal, not really in the mood to eat. I really just wanted this to be officially over.

My phone started going off, it was Phillip the prosecution lawyer. "Hello.....we'll be right there." I hung up, both Lynz and Mikey staring at me. "The jury is ready, we should get going." They nodded, I left money on the table and we left.

Back at the courthouse, people were returning and I looked around searching. There was a light tap on my shoulder, I turned around and smiled at the sight. "Shiloh, it's so good to see you again." I embraced her in a hug, these six months have been the hardest on her.

That night, she had died. Somehow the doctors were able to start her heart again without her developing any brain damage. The injury to her back left a long scar and emotional damage. She had been lucky for the knife didn't hit her spine otherwise she could have been paralyzed. Shiloh was in a coma for a month after they got her heart beating again. What she doesn't know is that I never left her side, I was there everyday.

After she woke up, the police put her in protection and I wasn't allowed to see her. The next time I saw her again was a week ago when she was called as a witness. She told the story of him hitting her, the attack and the day he shot Zacky. They showed the pictures of her after the attack, Shy started to cry when she saw them. All I wanted to do was run up to her and tell her it was okay.

After she was done and was leaving the courtroom, Matthew grabbed her arm and whispered something to her. The police escorted her out and that was the last time I saw her until now. They kept her away but now that the verdict was in she was back. I took a look at her, all of this was taking a toll on her. She was paler, hair a bit longer, her lips had no color, her eyes didn't sparkle and she had lost a lot of weight.

"I've missed you, how've you been? How's Mikey? They won't let me talk to anyone."

"Everyone's doing fine, Mikey's all healed up and we all miss you." Mikey and Becky came running towards us and hugged Shiloh together. Soon Lindsay was next to me and when Mikey and Becky let go of Shy, Lynz hugged her.

The bailiff came out, "everybody please rise." The five of us took our spots in the front bench, standing until told otherwise. "Bring in the defendant, Matthew Price." Shiloh took my hand and started to squeeze it tight, but I didn't mind. He saw her and winked at her, I could feel her shake. I wrapped my arm around her, doing my best to calm her.

"Now entering the honorable Judge Deron Miller, you may all be seated."

The judge looked at some papers, "okay, have the jury return." Twelve people entered in a line and took their spots in the jury box, a mixture of women and men. "Now, has the jury reached a verdict?"

One women stood, "yes your honor, we have." She handed the bailiff a piece of paper who handed it to the judge. He opened it and read it to himself, he showed no emotion.

"Matthew Price will you please stand. Now, what has the jury decided?"

"Your honor, we find the defendant, Matthew Price......." It seemed like things were moving slower, just holding out until we were on the edge. "........guilty of all charges." A rush of sighs and small cheers came behind us, Shiloh was crying.

I looked over to see Henry, Matthew's father break down. This was horrible to see, a good friend hearing the stories of what his son had done. Now his son would be put in jail for the rest of his life for the crimes he committed. Henry refused to talk to me, not because he hated me but because of what his son did to me and my family.

"Order! Order!" The judge was trying to quiet the room. "Matthew Price for being found guilty of attempted murder, rape and second degree murder I sentence you to life in prison without chance of parole. Officers take him away."

As they were taking him away he turned back and looked at Shiloh, "I still love you and we'll be together again." The officers pushed him out of the room.

I hugged Shy tightly, "it's over, finally over." She tightened the hug but was still crying. "Don't cry, he won't get to you. You'll be safe now."

"Ms. Davis?" I broke the hug ad turned to see three men dressed professionally standing there. "It's time to go." She stood up and wiped away her tears.

"Wait, where is she going?"

"I'm afraid we can't give that information out. She is being placed in witness protection."

She was now in the aisle and standing by the men, "can I just have a moment to say goodbye?"

"Of course." They walked a few feet away. We all got up and surrounded her.

First she hugged Becky, "thank you for being my best friend and going through this with me. I'll miss you Becky, tell your mom I said hi." Becky hugged her tighter not wanting to say goodbye yet.

Next she hugged Lindsay, "I'm sorry about all of this, everything that's happened. Please don't hate Gerard too much and tell Bandit I said goodbye. Also please give her this." She took out a small bracelet with four letters on it, it matched the one Bandit had given her but with different colors.

Then she hugged Mikey, "thank you so much for everything you've done. You treated me like family and taught me how to play some bass. I'm sorry you got hurt, but thank you." Mikey handed her a CD and said it was Electric Century's new one that hasn't been released yet. They hugged again.

Finally she turned to me, the others walked away giving us some time alone. I was the one that started the hug. "Well Mr. Way, this has been quite the job experience." She was trying to hold back tears.

"Did you learn anything from it?"

"Yeah a couple things, number one is don't let your boss set you up on blind dates."

"What's number two?"

"Don't start having feelings for your boss, it'll make it harder to say goodbye."

I wiped away a couple of the tears and kept my hand upon her cheek. "Especially if the boss has the same feelings." What I did next I probably shouldn't have done but at this point I didn't care. It was now or never, I closed the space between us and locked my lips to hers. My back was to the others which was for the best, they couldn't see that I was deepening the kiss. Shiloh let out a small moan in my mouth and I smiled.

We broke the kiss and I leaned in close to her ear. "I love you Shiloh, no matter where you go that won't change." She started to blush and actually smiled at me. "If there's any way please get in touch with me, I can't imagine going the rest of my life not knowing if you're okay."

"I'll do my best Gerard, thank you for everything you've done. Keep Bandit and Lindsay safe and everyday tell them you love them. Goodbye Gerard." She hugged me once more before the three men came back. They surrounded her and escorted her out of the courthouse. Shiloh looked back at us one last time before the doors closed.

I would never forget Shiloh. She was a friend, someone I loved and lastly she was my personal assistant.


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