Chapter Ten - The Date

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Shiloh drove Frank and I back to my house. She didn't bother coming in, I would be seeing her in a few days. Shy had agreed to go on the date, and I knew where I would be taking her.

Frank and I entered slowly, hoping to sneak in. Of course we were not as sly as we always thought we were. Lynz was waiting, arms crossed and furious. "Where have you been? I was worried and scared, what happened?"

Her eyes watered, she was scared something bad had happened. Before I could explain, Frank pushed in front of me. "Lynz it's my fault, Shiloh and I got talking about movies and I wanted to see her collection. We fell asleep watching movies and talking."

Lynz ran over to me and wrapped her arms around me tight. "I'm just glad you're okay, I tried calling and texting."

"That was me again, I hid his phone as a joke."

Bandit came running in, "Frank!" She ran to him, he lifted her up and hugged her tight. "I missed you!"

"I missed you too little Bandit. Your dad and I have some things to work on but I promise I want to make some cakes with you." Frank and I left to go into the office, I kissed Lynz deeply.

"So you're taking her on a date, you know the spot but what exactly are you hoping to achieve from this?"

"I'm not exactly sure, some sort of sign. To see how I react with her, how I feel with her. I just have to know what's going on."

"She's a sweet girl, but I'm telling you now it's probably just sexual tension. Working together while Lynz was gone, just go on the date and Im sure you'll see you just like her as a friend."


Three days past and it was date night. We sat across from each other, he took me to the same restaurant he did before. It was awkward and uncomfortable, for me at least.

Gerard Way, ex-lead singer of the band My Chemical Romance has now kissed me a few times. He's been sending me mixed signals and messing with my head for a long time now.

The first time I felt something was after my blind date. After my blind date left me, Gerard took me out and after dinner he leaned in and kissed my cheek. I actually felt something for him at that moment, things were fine. There was subtle flirting, nothing major but I had fallen in love with him.

I knew it would never work out because he was happily married and had a beautiful little girl. My mind accepted the fact I would have feelings for him, these feelings were more then just being a fan.

He was different, more then just the lead singer and more then what anyone knew. As I had accepted there was no chance between us, he screwed with my mind by kissing me.

Then he told me he had strong feelings for me and that he wanted to take me out on a date. I agreed hoping that after the date we could go back to the way things were.

I stared at him, he was handsome. He reminded me back to the Revenge era. Gerard was wearing a black suit and red tie, his hair was wild, I didn't think he brushed it.

He noticed me staring and took my hands into his. "Thank you for agreeing to a date. I know this has been confusing past few weeks. It's mainly my fault but there's just something about you Shy."

I couldn't help but smile at his comment. The waiter came over and took our order. We sat in silence for a few minutes, it felt like a real date. My stomach was turning, I was nervous and shy even though I've known Gerard for so long now.

Gerard broke the silence by giggling which in turn made me start to giggle. I tried holding back, not to make a scene but it was useless. A few people looked over at us, I got embarrassed and looked down at the table, my smile fading. He noticed and stood up, I looked scared.

Soft piano music was playing, he held out his hand. "Can I have this dance?" My mind remembered Christmas and our dance. I accepted his offer, we found a spot next to some of the other couples.

He put his arms around my waste and I wrapped my arms around his neck. My head rested on his shoulder, "Gerard this is sweet but we need to come back to reality. We both know nothing can happen between us."

I held back tears, saying the words I knew were true hurt me. The song ended and our food arrived, we sat and ate in silence. After dinner we went for a walk, we found a small ice cream place. He ordered a small milkshake and I ordered a swirl cone.

We found our way to a park and sat on a bench. This was so perfect but I knew it wouldn't last long. "Gerard?"


"What was this date suppose to do?"

"I wanted to see how I felt with you, if I let myself go with you." I kept my eyes away from him, couldn't bare to see his beautiful hazel eyes. "Shiloh, I want to start over. Forget what's happened between us, and go back to the way it was before."

My stomach started to turn again, I knew it was coming. Somewhere deep down I guess I hoped there was a chance. "I would love that. Get back to normal, me assisting you."

"Good, I'm so glad to hear." He scooted closer to me, put his arm around me and pulled me close. We sat there finishing our desserts, come Monday thing would be back to normal. Gerard Way as my boss and I will be his personal assistant.

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