Chapter Three - The Blind Date

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It was Saturday, I was finishing my work at Gerard's house. He came in the kitchen as I was washing up the dinner dishes. "Any big plans for tonight?"

"Sort of, my friend set me up on a blind date for tonight. I don't really want to go, but I promised her." He giggled at that and I smacked him. "Don't laugh!"

I've been Gerard's personal assistant for three months now. The time I have spent here has been amazing. He's taught me a lot about art and I've gotten to ask any questions. Of course I never asked about anything personal or anything about My Chemical Romance.

"Why don't you leave a bit early tonight? Go have fun on your date, where are you meeting?"

"Uhh the coffee shop on Main and the date starts at six. I'm suppose to wear this black dress and hold a blue flower."

"Well enjoy yourself Shiloh. Now get out of here."

I said goodbye to Bandit and Gerard and headed home. My roommate was watching TV, "Shiloh hey! You getting ready for your date tonight?"

"Yes!" I shouted from my bedroom. My closet was filled with black clothes, I searched until I found the only black dress I owned. "Do I have to wear a dress?"

My roommate came in, "yes you do. You'll look great in it."

"But I'll feel stupid." I lifted it up and looked in the mirror. I hated looking in the mirror, I was a pudgy girl and never thought I looked good. "It's hopeless I look ugly."

"No you won't, okay just put on the dress and I'll do your makeup." I got dressed fast because the sooner I got it done with the sooner I could move on with my life. Becky did my makeup like she said she would, "there you look great. Just in time, you better leave."

I turned on the radio while driving to the coffee shop, Teenagers started to play. "You're never gonna fit in much kid...." I pulled up to the coffee shop, I went inside holding my blue flower. Once inside I found a table by the window and waited.

A waitress asked my order, I just got a medium fruit smoothie. It was five, I was early but I wanted to make sure I was here on time. Better late then sorry, right? I heard a voice behind me, "a little early are we?"

I turned my head to see Gerard behind me, his back to me. "What, what are you doing here?"

"I love coffee and this is a coffee shop. Nothing strange about me being here."

"Accept you knew I'd be here too. Are you spying on me?"

He giggled, God I loved that giggle of his. We talked for a little bit but the time came and I got ready for my date to show. "Good luck." I smiled and took a deep breathe. My date was suppose to be holding a blue flower as well.

I checked my watch, it was exactly six. The door opened and a good looking guy came in holding a blue flower. He had dark brown eyes and dark brown hair. His eyes moved slowly around the room looking for the blue sign, he found it and came towards me.

"Hi I'm Derek, you must be Shiloh." We shook hands and he sat down opposite of me. "So Becky didn't tell me anything about you, so what do you do?"

"Well I just got this amazing job as a....." The waitress comes over as I start to answer.

"What can I get you?" I waited to continue as Derek ordered a full meal.

"Like I was saying, I just got this amazing job....." Now Derek's phone started to ring.

"One second, hello?" His conversation was short but based on what I heard he wouldn't be staying much longer. "I'm so sorry, you'll have to excuse me. That was my friend, his wife is having a baby so I'm going to have to leave."

He got up and left in a hurry without paying for his meal which happened to just come out as he left. I started to cry softly, I felt someone grab my hand. My eyes looked up to see Gerard standing by my side.

"Is this seat taken?" I shook my head no, wiped away the tears and took a breathe. "That ass wasn't right for you anyway. I could tell he was a guy way into himself."

"He didn't even pay for his meal here, I can't believe he used the old phone a friend trick to leave. How pathetic am I?"

Gerard picked up the blue flower and placed it behind my ear. "You're not pathetic Shiloh. That guy was, and if he didn't want to take a chance with you that's his loss. Now you look way to beautiful to have your night ruined. How about I take you to a nice restaurant?"

"Please I don't need pity. I'll be fine, not the first guy to leave me hanging."

"It's not pity, come on." We got up, Gerard paid for Derek's meal. They wrapped it up for us and we gave it to a homeless guy. He took me to a restaurant where we laughed and talked. It was fun hanging out with Gerard outside his home.

I left my car at the coffee shop so Gerard drove me back so I could pick it up. It was late and the streets and sidewalks were empty. He was a gentlemen in all ways, opened my door and walked me to my car.

"Thanks for one of my best nights I've had in a long time."

"Yeah well come Monday morning I want to see the old Shy I'm use to. Not this talkative and fun Shiloh." He started calling me Shy a few weeks ago, said it matched my personality.

"Good night Gerard."

"Good night, drive safe." He leaned in and kissed my cheek. I could feel my knees start to shake and weaken. I watched him drive off, he was perfect in every way. Now time to go home and have a nice chat with Becky about good ole Derek.

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