Chapter Twenty Seven - The Police Call (Contest Winner 2)

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Lindsey locked herself in our room and refused to talk to me. Bandit was with Sarah and Mikey luckily, she hated when we fought. I still thought about Shiloh and her situation, she wasn't safe but I didn't know what to do. So I decided to head into my office and grab my laptop.

I was looking online for signs of abuse when I found a page I thought was interesting. I clicked on it and the username said MCR_ShatteredHeart and the message board title was My Boyfriend Hits Me. I read the message and my heart broke.

"My name is Shiloh, I have a loving and caring boyfriend and we've been dating for a little over a month. Matthew and I live together but sleep in separate rooms, we have another roommate. I guess I should just get on with it. Two nights ago I had finished painting my room with Gerard........Oh I guess I should explain who he is.

Gerard is my boss but he's also a close friend. So after he left I noticed we spilled a little red paint on my white carpet, and I tried cleaning it up. Nothing worked, Matt came home a bit later and noticed the stain. He wasn't happy, called me stupid and then he slapped me hard. I fell to the floor, Matt told be I did something wrong and needed to be disciplined.

The next day he told me he loved me and that he was the only who finds me beautiful and that no one will ever love me as much as he does. When I went to work the next day, I couldn't cover the large bruise that had formed. Gerard noticed and asked me what happened.....I lied to him.

I'm sorry I guess I should wrap this up. I don't know what I'm doing, last night Matthew punched me in the stomach. I know I should leave, tell someone but I can't. I'm just a weak little girl......"

Shy had been getting abused for awhile now and I just looked past it. I knew that something was wrong when I saw the bruise by her eye for the first time. Before I knew it my phone was in my hand and three numbers were typed out 911.

"Hello, what is your emergency?" a voice asked. Though kind they sounded board. "Please note that this call may be recorded."

"I would like to report a suspected domestic violence that's happening to a friend of mine." The words left my mouth and a shuffling was in the background.

"Sir, please stay on the line while I transfer you over to the police." The voice sound more entertained now and the soft hold music was playing through my phone. When are these people going to learn to use good music that people like?

"Hello, CPD how may I help you?" A deep voice asked that sound slightly gruff like when you chain smoke or you are screaming to music for hours on end.

"Hello, I would like to report a suspected domestic violence." I wanted to make this as lest connected to me as possible, but they could always just trace the number and get my name that way.

"Sir, can I have your name?" The guy on the other side of the line phone.

"Gerard Way, but I would prefer if that was not released publicly." I told the guy and a creaking sound could be heard. Both of my girls were in bed so it can't be them.

"Gerard, what leads you to believe that this person is in a domestic violence case?" The man asked as I could hear the sound of a pen on paper a sound that I know all to well.

"My friend came to me a few weeks ago with a bruise over her eye and then every little move I made caused her to flinch. I found an online message board and it states both her name and mine in the same way we had spent the day together. Then it informed of how she had truly gotten the bruise over her eye. Just a few days ago she was raped and I have reason to believe that the same person that raped her has been abusing her." I was calm and never raised my voice.

"Sir, the only person that we have on file that was raped a few days ago was a Shiloh Davis and she told us that she did not know who her attackers are." The guy was started to get upset.

"Victims of abuse or rape tend to lie to hide the guilty, you out of all people should know this. Please everything is right in front of you! If I have to I will even speak in court as a witness to get Matthew Price convicted of rape and abuse as well as Zacky Agustin convicted for rape." I told the man on the phone.

"Mr. Way thank you, you just closed a case for me. I will contact you if I need any farther information." The man hung up and I just thought about what Shy would do if she found out I had called the cops.



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