Chapter Five - The Christmas Gift

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Lindsey made it safely back home, seeing Gerard's face light up when he first saw her pained me a little. I've already accepted the fact I was falling in love with him but I would never be with him. I think I've always had a crush on him since being a fan of My Chemical Romance, but now it felt more then a crush.

I let go of Bandit's hand so she could run and hug her mom. Lindsey looked at me with a confused look, I guess Gerard forgot to mention he had hired a personal assistant. "Lynz this is Shiloh, she's been helping me out around the house."

"It's nice to meet you." I could be wrong but I swear she gave me some form of a dirty look. We arrived back to the house, Bandit said she was hungry so I decided to make her some lunch. Lindsey went upstairs with Gerard following.

They begin to have a fight, Bandit and I could hear everything. In such a large house, it was easy for voices to carry and echo. Lindsey was the first to talk, "Gerard how could you not tell me you hired a personal assistant? Do you really need to spend money on that?"

"I didn't think it was going to be such a big deal, Shiloh has been amazing. She helps around the house, Bandit just loves her and she helps me with things when I need her."

"We don't need to waste money on something like this. Why don't you think for once? I swear ever since....."

"Ever since what? Ever since the band broke up?"

I could see Bandit was feeling down, so I took her outside with her lunch. We sat out by the pool and ate in silence. Gerard came outside, "Shy can I talk to you?"

"Of course, Bandit why don't you head inside okay. Daddy needs to talk to me." She got up and went inside, "so am I fired?"

"No, Lynz was just not expecting this and I guess I should have told her."

"Look, Gerard I don't want to cause a fight between you two. If you have to fire me I understand."

"Shiloh, you're not fired. I don't know how I would run my life without your help."

"Very easily I'm sure, so any big Christmas plans?"

I hurried and changed the subject, not wanting him to dwell on it. He rubbed his neck, "just getting together with the family. Mikey, Sarah and her little boy are coming over. What about you?"

"Sit at the apartment waiting for my next work day. None of my family live here and Becky left today to go home for the holiday. If you don't mind though, I have a present for B and I'd like to drop it off on Christmas."

Gerard smiled sweetly, "of course that would be fine."

I checked my watch, "well I'm going to go. I know it's early but I'm sure you guys would like some family alone time. I'll see you on Christmas." I walked inside giving Bandit a hug goodbye, Lindsey was nowhere to be found.

"Hey Bandit? What is it you asked Santa for, at the mall yesterday."

"I can't tell you, it's a surprise for you though." She ran off upstairs, humming a Christmas tune.

Christmas Eve came and went, nothing special. I spent the day wrapping presents for Bandit, Gerard, Mikey, Sarah, her little boy and I even went out and bought Lindsey something. All day I watched Christmas movies, some of my favorites. There was Christmas Vacation, Scrooged, Black Christmas, Die Hard and even How The Grinch Stole Christmas.

Christmas morning arrived, usually I would be rushing to my tree and acting like a little kid again. This year there was no tree, no presents, no nothing. I was alone, but I needed to drop off the presents for everyone. I decided since I couldn't find the perfect gift, I made him one.

It was a warm sunny Christmas day in California, it was new to me since I always had snow during this time of year. I drove up to Gerard's house, based on the extra car in the driveway I assumed Mikey and Sarah were here. As I he knew Gerard opened the door before I could even knock.

"Shy! Merry Christmas!" He gave me a hug and practically dragged me inside. They had a fire going, the tree lit up and were all gathered around the presents.

I whispered to Gerard, "I'm sorry I'm too early, I can come back."

"Nonsense, you have presents under that tree." I sat next to Mikey, I met him a couple a times since I started working as Gerard's personal assistant. He gave me a welcoming hug as well and I felt more comfortable.

I watched as they opened their presents from "Santa" and each other. Then I gave them my gifts to them, Bandit opened hers first. I bought her an Easy Bake Oven, of course it was a lot more detailed then the one I had when I was a kid.

She loved it, "Shiloh will we bake together?" I told her of course and she laughed excitedly. Next Sarah and her son opened their gifts. I bought him construction set. It had a little drill, hammer and even a saw.

"Thank you so much, with Mikey's help I can build a lot of cool things." Sarah got a gold locket, inside had a picture of her two favorite boys.

"This is special, thank you so much Shiloh." Next Mikey opened his, I got him an encyclopedia of every horror movie all the way up to upcoming ones not even released yet.

His eyes lit up, "this is so freaking amazing, it's got facts and pictures. This is awesome thank you." He hugged me again.

Lindsey opened her gift, she got a gold locket as well. I put a picture of Gerard and Bandit inside. "Thanks." She wasn't thrilled about it, I'm sure she had more expensive jewelry upstairs.

Then they had me open my presents, Mikey and Sarah got me five horror movies that I had never seen yet. I thanked them, excited to watch. Bandit gave me a card, inside it said sorry. "Bandit why are you sorry?"

"My Christmas gift to you didn't come."

"The gift you asked Santa for at the mall?" She nodded, her face sadden almost to tears. I got on my knees in front of her, "Bandit it's okay. Whatever it was, I'm sure I would have loved it."

"I asked Santa to bring you a boyfriend." Behind me I heard Gerard snort, no one expecting to hear that.

"Bandit, Santa can only do so much. Thank you for thinking of me though, you're a little sweetie."

Lindsey and Sarah got up to work on Christmas dinner, Bandit asked Uncle Mikey to help her bake treats and Sarah's little boy helped to. Gerard and I were left in the living room, I handed him his gift.

"I guess it's better you open this alone, it's stupid and would have been laughed at." He opened it up to find a collage I made. The pictures ranged from his artwork, pictures of Bandit, Lindsey, his comic covers and even MCR pictures. They all formed a greater picture, Gerard's face.

"It's stupid I know, I couldn't think of what to get you and you don't have to keep it. I'm sorry, I just...."

"Shy, it's perfect. This shows everything that had made me who I am today. You did an amazing job and I would love to hang it up in my office. Will you help me?"

We went into his office and hung up his new piece of art. Before I could leave he stopped me and closed the door. "Here's your present." He handed me a box. "Sorry for the shitty wrap job."

I opened it up and inside was a music box. The music box wasn't that big, it was a dark wood with a elegant design etched on the front. I opened it up, music begin to play as a tiny couple begin to dance.

The song was the piano version of Avenged Sevenfold's "Warmness on the Soul". My eyes begin to water, I mentioned to Gerard once how I loved music boxes with dancing couple inside. "Gerard this wasn't cheap, you didn't have to do this."

He wiped my tears away, "you deserve it for everything you've done. How about a quick dance?"

"No, I don't dance you know that."

"Please, consider it another present to me." He took my hands and wrapped them around his neck and he wrapped his around my waist. The music box music continued to play, we slowly danced around his office.

Finally the music shut off, needing to be wound up again. I looked into Gerard's eyes and as I was about to say "thank you for the dance" his lips locked with mine.

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