Chapter Two - The First Day

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My heart was racing, sitting at a small table, waiting for Gerard to show. I had already ordered a smoothie, I didn't drink coffee. Oh God, what if that's a deal breaker? Gerard loved coffee, so why would he hire someone who didn't like it? Soon a voice brought me back to reality.

"Shiloh, it's good to see you." Gerard say across from me, the waitress came over and asked him what he wanted. He ordered the Caramel Frappuccino, she smiled and went to go get his order. "Have you been waiting long?" I said no even though I've been waiting forty-five minutes and this wasn't my first smoothie.

His drink arrived and the waitress placed it in front of him. Gerard's facial expression turned into one of a five year old boy opening up presents on Christmas. "God I love Starbucks." I should tell him, he might not hire me but I should say it.

"Gerard, I'm actually not a fan of coffee. I don't drink it, which is why I bought a smoothie. I understand if that changes your mind about hiring me." I looked down at my smoothie, I must have sounded like an idiot.

He started to giggle, it was a cute childlike giggle. "Shiloh, do you think I only hire people who like exactly the same things as me? What fun would that be? It's okay if you don't like coffee." He giggle again, well at least I made him laugh even though I felt stupid.

"So I assume that I'm being offered the job, I wouldn't think you'd invite someone to coffee to tell them they didn't get the job."

"I might, depending on how I liked the person. You are correct however I do want to offer you the job. I found you honest, experienced and perfect for being my personal assistant. Can you start on Monday?"

I nodded and told him of course. We finished our drinks, talked for a bit and said goodbye. My roommate was excited to see I got the job. So excited she bought a bunch of alcohol and threw a party. Just like any other party I spent it in my room staying sober.

I woke up early Monday morning and got ready. Gerard had called me during the weekend to give me the code to get in. When I arrived I entered the code and walked into the familiar entryway. Still as beautiful as ever.

In the kitchen was a note from Gerard, "Good Morning Shiloh! Please start the coffee, Bandit will most likely be up before me. I don't have anything for you to do yet, so just play with Bandit. See you in the morning. XOXO G"

I smiled at the fact he signed it the same way he always signs things. I turned the coffee maker on and started to brew Gerard some coffee. It smelt really good, I've always loved the smell of coffee just not the taste. As the coffee continued to brew tiny footsteps came behind me.

Soon a tiny yank on my shirt made me turn around and see little Bandit smiling up at me. "Good morning Bandit, how are you?"

"Good morning! You look very pretty today." I walked her to the table and she sat down. Her legs started kicking playfully, waiting for breakfast.

"What would you like for breakfast?"

She scrunched up her face thinking about what she wanted. "I want cereal and toast and milk please." I found all the ingredients I needed and made Bandit her breakfast.

The coffee was just about done and as if on cue, Gerard entered the kitchen. "Good morning Bandit." He kissed her forehead and then turned to me, "good morning Shiloh." He looked me over, I was wearing black slacks and a nice blouse and nice shoes. "Just so you know this is very casual, you don't have to dress up for me."

I looked down, "sorry I wasn't sure." He laughed, then went to the cupboard and got a mug with an Umbrella Academy logo on it. He poured himself some coffee and fixed it the way he liked it. "Can I make you something to eat?"

"Nope, I'll get it in a bit." As he walked towards the table I noticed he was still in his pajamas. He had on skull pajama pants and a wrinkled t-shirt that had a faded design.

"Well am I going to assist you at all today Mr. Way?" He looked up at me with those beautiful hazel eyes.

"Please, call me Gerard or even Gee. Like I said I want this very casual. Don't worry I have several things for you coming up."

He wasn't kidding, the day went on fast. First I played games with Bandit, then cleaned up a little since the house was mostly spotless. Later in the day I made lunch for both of them, Mr. Way err I mean Gerard appreciated it a lot.

After lunch Gerard finally had me help him in his office. Bandit played upstairs in her room, we had a monitor in case she needed something. He had me help sort his fan mail, there was a lot. I watched him read everyone word and write out a letter back and even sent a gift.

I started to remember the time I was going to write him but decided against it because I feared I would sound stupid. As he read and wrote I organized the office a bit. Picked up loose papers, dusted, and small things like that.

By the time dinner rolled around Gerard cooked and offered me to stay and eat with them. I joined them and we talked about all sorts of things. It was a great time, after dinner I washed up the dishes and played with Bandit few awhile.

I got her ready for bed, even read her a story. Gerard came in and kissed her good night. We left the room and went down to his office. "Well will I see you tomorrow morning?"

"Absolutely, I'll be here bright and early. I want to thank you for giving me this amazing job. I appreciate it a lot Gerard."

He walked me out the door and said goodnight to me. As I left a big smile appeared on my face. This was like a dream come true, I was the personal assistant to Gerard Way. He's been my idol since I was a teenager, and now he's my boss. Life was great.

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