Chapter Four - The Christmas Shopping

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"Bandit, we're going to the mall. Come on B." She came running down the stairs with a big smile on her face. I picked her up and gave her a great big hug. "Gerard, we're leaving."

Gerard entered the room, he was wearing his new red apron. Today was my day off, but he asked if I could take Bandit out while he cleaned the house. Lindsey was coming home soon and he wanted everything perfect.

"You know this is what you pay me for? I can clean and you can take B out."

"No, it's your day off and cleaning helps clear my head. So go and have fun Christmas shopping."

He gave Bandit a kiss goodbye and we headed for the mall. "Shiloh, when does mommy come home?"

"She's coming back tomorrow, are you excited to have her home again?"

"Yep!" I turned on the radio to the Christmas station. Frank Sinatra's "Have Yourself A Merry Little Christmas" started to play. Bandit and I sang along, she started to giggle. Her laugh was adorable, reminded me of Gerard's giggle.

We arrived at the mall, it was packed with people. Some were shopping, some were seeing Santa and some were just there to eat at the food court. I held her in my arms, entering the mall I searched for a cart. They were all taken, guess I was holding her the entire time.

"Shiloh, can I please walk? I'll be good." I put her on the ground, and got on my knee.

"Bandit, you stay right by me and never let go of my hand. Do you understand?" She nodded her head, I stood up and grabbed her hand. "Then off we go."

I was looking for something for Gerard, something special. We went into every store, poor Bandit was getting tired. She was hungry too, so we stopped at the food court and got something to eat.

"Can I see Santa?" Bandit asked with a mouth filled with breadstick. I smiled at how her cheeks puffed up with food.

"I'll take you if you want to, but we might have to wait in line. That okay?" She nodded excitedly, "okay let's finish eating."

We made our way to where Santa was and stood in line. She held my hand tight, nervous and excited. After about thirty minutes it was Bandit's turn. "Hello little girl! Ho! Ho! Ho!"

I placed her on his lap, she smiled. "Have you been a good girl this year?"

"I think I have!"

"You seem like a very sweet little girl. What do you want for Christmas?"

I saw Bandit make her thinking face, finally he thought of what she wanted. "Can I whisper it?"

"Of course young lady!" Bandit put her hand over her mouth and his ear. She was whispering what she wanted to him. "That's a very good present, I'll see what I can do." They took her photo with him and we left the mall.

I still didn't have a gift for Gerard and Christmas was coming in a few days. I looked in the mirror and saw that Bandit was asleep in the back. Soon we were back to Gerard's house and I lifted her out of the car.

She stayed asleep the whole time, I carried her up to her bedroom and laid her down on her bed. I gently gave her a kiss on the forehead.

I left her room and softly closed her door. Gerard was standing there smiling at me. "What?"

"You're really good with her." We walked to the kitchen, "how was shopping?"

"It was good, she saw Santa." I pushed the photo towards him. My expression to sadness and he noticed.

"What's wrong?"

"I didn't find the gift I was looking for. I'm trying to find something special for someone special in my life."

"You have someone special in your life? Why didn't you tell me? Shy that's awesome."

"Gee, not that special. I'm still single, this person just means a lot to me." I didn't want him to know I was getting him a gift. I didn't know if he was getting me a gift and didn't want him to feel obligated.

He put his arm around me, "you'll figure it out. You're smart but if you need any help you can ask me."

At that moment I felt safe and warm, my heart started racing. This has been happening a lot lately and it scared me. I pushed away from him, "thanks Gerard, I'm going to go now. I'll be back early tomorrow."

He looked confused but said goodbye. I closed the front door behind me, but stopped and leaned against the house. What was I doing? I was starting to fall in love with him, and I couldn't let that happen.

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