Chapter Nine - The Morning After

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Oh my head was spinning, what did I drink? What happened last night? I opened my eyes, this place was unfamiliar to me. I looked around the room and noticed a picture on the table, it was Shiloh with an older woman who looked slightly similar to Shy. Shiloh's mother? On the table in front of the picture were two pills and a glass of water.

I took the pills and swallowed them, take them before the headache starts. This must be Shiloh's apartment, I have never been here before, but I can tell it was her room.

Horror action figures displayed proudly, next to the Shaun from Shaun of the Dead action figure were the My Chemical Romance action figures.

I got out of the bed, still fully dressed minus my shoes which were next to the bed. I quickly put them on and tied them. Since I was already in her room I wanted to look at all her collections. There was action figures, horror comics and she had a box filled with concert stubs and memorabilia.

I passed by the MCR figures, a photo was placed next to them. it was Shiloh and Bandit playing together. They both looked very happy, and I smiled.

A door opened and Shiloh came in wearing a towel, her hair wet and drops of water on her body. I didn't mean to stare but it was just my reaction. She had extra meat on her bones, more then Lynz, but she was still beautiful. When she looked up her blue eyes sparkled in the sunlight that was coming in from the window.

Shy finally noticed I was awake and watching her. "Oh my god." She ran backwards back into the bathroom, slamming the door shut. I moved towards the door and knocked slightly.

"Shy? Is everything okay?"

"Can you leave the room? I didn't know you were awake, please."

"Yeah of course." I left the bedroom to find Frank sitting on a couch watching cartoons. "Hey Frank."

"Shy's taking a shower."

I laughed a little and sat next to him, "yeah she came out thinking I was still asleep."

"Was she naked?

"No, she had a towel around her.".

He thought a moment, not sure about what. Then he turned to me, "how do you feel?"

My eyes quickly darted down, "I feel pathetic and disappointed."

"You should add dumbass as well."


He turned his body to me and looked at Shiloh's closed door. "Gerard, you called her Lindsey last night." What was he talking about? As if he saw the question pop in my head, he answered it.

"You were drunk and Shy took care of you. I was still up when I heard you talking. You told her not to leave you and she promised she wouldn't, then you said 'I love you so much, Lindsey'."

I looked towards Shiloh's bedroom, "how do you know she took care of me?" As Frank explained, my eyes never left her door.

"We talked this morning, she told me what she did and then made you coffee for when you woke up before heading to take a shower."

She was already upset with me because I tried kissing her again. I really was playing mind games with her, we needed to talk but first I needed to explain the situation to Frank. We decided to take a walk for a bit and talk, I knocked on the door. "Shy? Frank and I will be back, just need some fresh air."

She softly said okay, I checked the time it was 11:47 and I had several missed calls and text messages from Lynz. That's one conversation I didn't want to get into right now. We left the apartment, there was a cool breeze and it felt good.

"So, you like this girl?" I actually stopped in my tracks.

"How did you know?" We started walking again.

"Dude, we were together for twelve years. We slept together in the same room, bunks next to each other. In those years of close quarters I picked up everyone's tells. Plus you called me to come over because you desperately needed to talk."

"Yeah well, I've kissed her, on Christmas. I tried kissing her again yesterday and she got upset. That's when I started drinking, I only meant to have one but I kept hearing Shy's voice. She was so upset and I caused it."

"So did you actually tell her how you felt?" I shook my head no, "you have to. I'm not saying divorce Lynz or anything but if you have feelings, you shouldn't keep them hidden. I mean, I kept my true feelings from you and now there is no Frerard."

He starting laughing and I pushed him away. Frank was right, that's when I came up with my idea. Shiloh deserves to know everything, she deserves to be treated right and I know just how to make it all happen.

We talked a bit more and then stopped at a flower shop where I bought one blue flower. The same blue flower she had from the night she went on a blind date. He ended up being an ass and so I took her out to dinner.

Frank and I went up to Shiloh's apartment, she was in the kitchen making food for us. She turned around, her eyes glanced at me before quickly looking away. With everything I don't blame her for not being able to look at me.

Frank interrupted the awkwardness, "what smells so good?"

Shiloh smiled, my heart melted. "I'm making grilled cheese, I was hoping you would be coming back soon." I kept the flower hidden as we ate and talked, it was almost normal again between the two of us. She laughed as Frank told her band stories, and it was fun.

After we finished eating, Frank left to go get some coffee from Starbucks. Really he was giving me time alone with her. Her back was to me doing the dishes, so with the blue flower in front of me I walked towards her. "Shy?"

She turned around and saw the flower, her eyes already watering. "Thank you for taking care of me last night." Shiloh took the flower and tossed it on the counter.

"It's my job, all I did was assist you." She moved away from me and went into her bedroom. I followed after her, I shut the door behind us. "Will you leave me alone? Just go."

Instead of leaving I walked towards her, she moved around me and she was now facing the door. She was close, I felt if I didn't hurry she would leave. "Shiloh I want to talk. I have feelings for you, they're pretty strong too."

She turned around, rage now filled her eyes, her hand lifted up and slapped me across the face. I deserved that, however when her hand went up again I grabbed her arm. "Let me go!" She lifted her other hand to strike me but I took that arm in my other hand and pushed her against the door.

Tears were falling down her cheek, I held her arms above her head. We stared at each other deeply, trying to figure out what the next move was. I made it, I moved in close to her and forcefully but passionately kissed her. A small moan leaving her lips as I moved away. "Shiloh, I want to take you on a date."

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