Chapter Eight - The Pickup

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I had just fallen asleep when my phone went off, it was Gerard's ringtone. The clock said it was 11:45 at night, why was he calling? I was still a little steamed at his mind games he was playing with me. For some reason I answered anyway.

"Hello?" The voice on the other end sounded like the same Gerard but yet it wasn't.

"Shy? Are you busy?"

"Gerard it's late, can we talk next day I work?"

"I need a favor, Frank's at the airport. Can you drive me there to pick him up?"

I wondered why he couldn't do it himself, but I accepted anyway. It never occurred to me what was happening, he had been sober for so long. So when I arrived at the house, Lindsey was sitting in the living room.

"What are you doing here?"

"Gerard called, asked if I would drive him to the airport. I guess Frank's in town and he's at the airport right now. Where is he?"

"He's been in his office the whole day, never came out for anything." I walked swiftly to the office and knocked. The door opened and I was pulled in quickly, the door shutting behind me.

"Gerard, are you okay?"

"Is Lynz still out there?"

"Yeah she is."

"Okay, well let's sneak so she can't ask too many questions." He stumbled to the door and that's when I noticed it. The empty bottle of vodka, lying on his desk. I grabbed it and put it in my bag, now wasn't the time to bring it up, we had to get to the airport.

We left his office, trying to get out of the house quickly. Gerard and I made it to the door, but Lindsey stopped us. "Gerard, what's going on? What were you doing in there?"

I stood between the two, before Gerard could turn around and say anything I looked at her.

"Lindsey, I already told you we're going to go pick up Frank. Now he's been working on his new project all day, I'm sure he told you he would be. We have to go, I'll bring him and Frank back safely."

I pushed Gerard out the door and into the car. He sat in the front next to me, I had to ask him about the vodka but not now.

We drove in silence, I would continue to look over and make sure he was okay. Before I knew it he was asleep, and he looked at peace.

I made it to the airport, since I had never met Frank or had his number I grabbed Gerard's phone. Then I searched through the contacts, found Frank's number and texted him.

Speaking as Gerard I told him I was outside waiting. Then I told him what my car looked like so he could find us.

Gerard shifted in his seat, "Gerard? Come on Gerard, wake up. Frank's coming."

He opened his eyes, they were a dull green, not his usual bright hazel. I watched him stretch and rub his eyes, soon the backdoor opened and a bag was thrown in.

"Gerard! Oh, hello new person, I'm Frank." He reached his hand out and we shook.

"I'm Shiloh, Gerard's personal assistant."

"Nice to meet you. Gee, what's up man?"

"Frank! Thanks for coming again." I noticed his words were slurred a bit. The vodka taking full control over him. "Shy, take us to a bar."

"Gerard, I have a better idea. Trust me?" He nodded, I was taking them to my apartment. Becky was still away, so it would be empty.

I drove to my place, Frank grabbed his bag and excitedly hopped out. Gerard moved slow but stayed firm on his feet.

We made it upstairs to my apartment, Gerard searched the fridge looking for any alcohol. "Shy, where's the beer?"

"I don't drink that crap and I don't think Becky left any." He searched through my cabinets, finding the hard alcohol. More vodka, rum and even some whiskey.

"Here we go, now we can drink. Frank, what can I get you?"

"Actually, I'm pretty tired. Shy, you have somewhere I can sleep?"

I had to smirk at the fact Frank Iero just called me Shy. "Yeah in here." I led him to Becky's room, she would flip when I told her Frank fucking Iero slept in her bed. She would never wash the sheets again.

Before he closed the door to the bedroom he grabbed my shoulder, "what's going on? How long has he been drinking again?"

"Tonight's the first night, I'm hoping I can get him to bed soon. I don't know why he started."

"Take care of him, he seems to like you. You must be a one Hell of a pa."

He gave me that irresistible Iero smile and shut the door. Gerard was on the couch, he was drinking some of the rum.

I sat down next to him and took the glass away from him. "Gerard, what are you doing?"

"Trying to drink, now can I have it back?" I pulled out the empty bottle from my bag.

"Gerard, you're drunk and I think you've had enough to drink. You've been sober for so long, why would you do this?"

He looked lost, "Shy...I don't...I don't feel good."

I lifted him up and headed to the bathroom, "you'll be okay." He leaned into the toilet, I helped get his hair away from his face and rubbed his backed. I sat with him until he finished being sick.

Then I helped him up and moved him into my bedroom. He lied down on my bed, I untied his converse and slipped them off.

I ran off to the bathroom and got a washcloth wet, then to the kitchen for aspirin, and a glass of water.

Back in my bedroom, Gerard was mumbling to himself. "Here, takes these now." I handed him the pills, he took them with the water.

"Alright, close your eyes." He did and I placed the washcloth over his forehead. I placed two more aspirin on my nightstand for in the morning, next to the glass of water. "Get some sleep."

Gerard grabbed my arm tight, "please, don't leave me."

"I won't, I promise I won't leave you." He pulled me onto the bed next to him and wrapped his arms around me.

"I love you so much, Lindsey."

Lindsey? "I love you too, Gerard."

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