Chapter Twenty - The Attack

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I must have been mistaken, Gerard didn't say "I love you." Just my ears playing a trick on me, hearing what I wanted to hear. As I started walking I remembered that my phone buzzed during the dinner. I checked my phone to see ten missed calls and twenty text messages.

Some of them were from Becky, she had major news she needed to tell me. I would call her later today, her last text said "Shy call me, I think I've found someone! Oh my God where are you, with Gerard?" She didn't know that I was fired yet, the winking smiley face at the end made me giggle.

The rest of the calls and messages came from Matthew, this wouldn't be good. I told him I would be home at eleven and by the time I walk home it would be after seven. There were no voicemails but the texts were enough to make me scared.

I even thought about just going somewhere else but the longer I waited, the worse things would be. So I kept going, his last message sent a chill down my spine. "Where the fuck are you? GET HOME NOW!" As the building neared, my feet stopped moving.

I started crying, what was Matt going to do? My hands were shaking as I pushed the elevator button. The bell dinged letting me know I was on my floor, I stepped out and just stood there. I grabbed the necklace, trying to find comfort in this situation.

Somehow I was able to get my keys out, put them in the lock and open the door. Quietly I shut the door behind me, maybe Matt was sleeping. Maybe he won't be as mad, maybe he's cooled off. I slipped off my converse and walked quietly into the bathroom.

I looked at myself in the mirror, being with Gerard had made me feel good. The necklace sparkled in the mirror and I smiled, but my happiness didn't last long when someone knocked on the door. "Yes?"

"It's Zacky, I have to pee, almost done?" I stepped out and let him in, I decided to go to my room. My door was already opened, I flipped the light on and saw the mess. Everything was destroyed, my bed torn open, my mirror shattered, clothes thrown and all my collectibles broken.

Now I was pissed, everything was broken and destroyed. All my expensive items, he took my Gerard action figure and broke it but left the others alone. I ran to Matt's room and started pounding on the door. "Wake up! You son of a bitch! How could you do this?!" I heard shuffling and finally the door opened, he stood there in nothing but his boxers.

"Why would you do that to my stuff?" I was a lot calmer now, seeing him face to face scared me. His eyes looked me up and down, and he licked his lips.

"Where have you been? According to my watch you're late." My eyes started to water, "why are you crying? I'm not going to hurt you. Now, where were you?"

"I was with Gerard, we lost track of time. That doesn't make up for what you did, my room is destroyed." He went to touch my cheek but I backed away, wrong move. All this did was make him angry.

"You don't want me touching you?" His eyes darted to the heart necklace, "what's this?" He reached up to grab it but I held it tight in my hand.

"Gerard gave it to me for my birthday." He pushed my hands away and yanked the necklace off. "Matt, give it back. It was a gift."

"You must have done something special to get this. Did you fuck him?"

"What? Matthew, of course not. How could you even....." He slapped me hard, knocking me to my knees.

"You're just a little slut, I know what you've been doing with him." This time he punched me, I could taste blood already. He knelt next to me, he grabbed my hair, yanking my head back. "You're going to act like a whore, I'm going to treat you like a whore."

With his tight grip he dragged me into his bedroom, "please don't do this."

"Shh, you're going to love it." He started kissing me but I kneed him in the crotch. I got up and started to run, but I ran into Zacky.

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