Chapter Twenty Five And A Half - The Runner Ups

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So I want to thank the people who entered the contest. A lot of you told me to kill/get rid of Lindsey so Gerard and Shiloh can be together. You people are crazy but I love you, so here are alternate endings made from some of the ideas. Enjoy!

The Anvil

I fell to my knees on the cold hospital floor, Lynz was leaving. There had to be a way to stop her, I couldn't lose my wife. Shiloh means a lot to me too but this is my wife. I get off the floor and dash outside, "Lindsey!" She hears me scream her name, she turns around tears in her eyes. As I walk towards her I hear a voice shout, "look out!" Lindsey looks up, suddenly out of no where an anvil falls on her. It was like it was out of a Bugs Bunny show, Matt walked up to me. He had seen everything, "I guess that's all folks." What the fuck just happened?

(JacquelineRiha - Wattpad)

The Smiles

Lindsey was dead, my heart felt completely empty. Total sadness, nothing could make me feel better. Shiloh lives in the house now, taking care of things for me as I just waste away. She tries to make me smile everyday but it's no use. One day Shy and Bandit come into my room, they act out a scene Bandit and her wrote. I giggle at first, then completely lose it, I smile and laugh. At that moment I start to fall for her again, it'll take awhile to truly be in love again but I don't want her to leave me.

(Killjoy-partypoisen - MCRFanFiction)

The Note

I woke up in the middle of the night, something was wrong. Lindsey wasn't in bed, I quickly got up and went downstairs. Empty, the house was silent. A note was on the counter, it was for me. "Gee, when you read this I'll be gone. I'm sorry I left you this way but I see how you look at Shy. Tell Bandit I love her and I'll be back to see her. I still love you but this will be for the best. Stay safe Gerard, Love Lynz." Lindsey left so Shiloh and I can be together, what do I do? I call Shy up and tell her to come over, she does this. When she comes I tell her about Lindsey's note, she starts to cry. Finally she breaks telling me how Matthew was the one who attacked her. I call the police and tell them, we fall asleep on the couch in each other's arms. We wake to my phone going off, it was the police they had caught Matt and Zacky. They were now being sent to prison, I grabbed Shiloh and told her she would be safe now.

(mustloveGryphon - Twitter)

The Plan

Becky and I were talking, Shiloh had told her everything and now was letting me know the truth. Matt and Zacky were the ones that attacked Shy, now Becky and I were coming up with a plan to put them away. We think of something and head off to make it happen. I arrive at Matts apartment, Lindsey's car was there. Why would she be here? Fears overcome me and I race to the apartment, the door was open. There in the living room stood Matt holding a gun, and Lindsey lying on the floor. He had shot her, blood was pooling up next to her. "She figured it out, came to confront me and I shot her." Fury filled my body, I jumped on him and we fought, Becky shows up with the police. They separate us, taking Matt and Zacky away to prison. Our plan to get them behind bars worked but I had lost my wife. I go to see Shiloh, tell her everything that happened and she feels guilty about Lynz's death. We only had each other now, we would help build each other back up and after awhile of starting over maybe we could be together.

(sammi7222 - Wattpad)

The Car Accident

I was driving home, it was raining now and everything seemed in despair. Soon I arrived home, a note on the table from Lynz saying she wanted a divorce. It said she knew the way I felt about Shiloh and that she was leaving. My life was broken, I walked over to the couch and say down. Just as I hit the couch, there was knocking at the front door. Slowly I moved towards the door and opened it. Two police officers were there, "Gerard Way?" I nodded, "we're sorry to inform you but your wife was in a car accident, she passed away." Nothing can ever prepare you for those words, what was I suppose to do? The funeral came and went, Bandit stopped talking and hasn't smiled since the day I told her. Both of us silent and drifting away. Mickey asked Shiloh to come over and watch Bandit while he took me out, I didn't want to see her though. We left and had a night out, I didn't say a word to Mikey but it was good to get out. When I got back home I heard Bandit laughing, upstairs Shy and her were playing. I stood there and watched and even I couldn't help but laugh. That night the three of us played and Bandit and I were opening up again. Shiloh was there for both of us, she always has been. It's been three years now, Shy and I are about to go on our first date. She's been very patient with me, tonight will be special.

(N9killjoy_dreamer - Wattpad)

Thanks again for all the entries!!

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