Back Where We Were

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Lily's P.O.V

I woke up today really sad. I thought about last night, and I started to cry softly again. I looked in the mirror when I was done getting ready. I looked so alone without my necklace. I touched the spot where the heart charm of my necklace touched my neck, and I thought about when he first gave it to me. I walked down for breakfast, and then I saw a note on a plate. I went to read it, and it said:


Hey. I know you don't love me anymore, but if you still do, come meet me at the black lake.


I saw a few wet drops on the note. Those must be Harry's tears. I had breakfast, and then went back to the common room with the note. I showed it to Hermione and I asked her "should I go?" Hermione answered "if you want to give him a second chance, then go. But I just wanna tell you something before you decide: Harry's always loved you, Lily, and he never wanted to hurt you. I saw the way he looked at you, and he couldn't keep his eyes off of you, ever." I nodded, and then left the common room. I wanted to go, but I thought about it for a bit. I then let my feet guide me to wherever they took me. Sure enough, my feet were taking me to the black lake. I saw Harry sitting sadly. I sighed, and then walked over to him. I sat next to him, and said "hi Harry." He looked at me, and said "hey Lily." We didn't make long eye contact. It was max 4 seconds. I asked "so, what did you want to tell me?" Harry took both of my hands in his two hands, and I felt a few sparks still. Harry looked down, and then said "I never meant to hurt you. You're the only girl I've ever loved, and I lost you because I was too careless. Do you still love me?" This time Harry was looking into my eyes. I thought about it for a bit, and then answered "yes." Harry smiled and said "do you take me back?" I couldn't take it anymore!! I just went in and kissed him. He kissed me back, and when we pulled away, Harry smiled and said "is that a yes or a no?" I smiled and said "what do you think?" He smiled and kissed me again. He asked me "do you want a piggy back ride back to the castle?" I gasped and said "yes!!" I jumped on Harry's back, and he carried me back to the common room. When we got there, he put me down and said "meet me in the room of requirements at 4:00, ok?" I nodded, and then realized it was 2:00. I asked him "casual or dressy?" Harry said "whichever you want." I smiled and said "well, are you going casual or dressy?" He said "dressyish." I nodded and then went to get ready. I took a shower, got dressed, did my makeup, and then did my hair. I walked downstairs, and I found Harry waiting for me at the bottom of the stairs. I walked down, and Harry said "you're as beautiful as always." I smiled, and I saw he was wearing a dress shirt with dress pants and dress shoes. We walked to the ROR and then Harry brought me into it, and it this time, it was decorated with candles, a table with some food, and some romantic music playing in the background. I smiled, and Harry brought me to my chair. He sat me down like a gentleman, and then sat himself down. We ate our food while Harry made me laugh. He then said "you're adorable, Lily." I giggled and said "stop." He said "I can't. You're too cute." I smiled and then he stood me up and we slow danced for a bit. My hands were on his shoulders, and his hands were on my waist. I felt sparks, and then I rested my head on his shoulder, and Harry whispered in my ear "I love you." His whisper brought chills down my spine. He started quietly humming in my ear, and I smiled. I said "I'm gonna fall asleep." He chuckled, and then we kept slow dancing. I realized I had brought my necklace with me so Harry could put it back on. I gave it to Harry and I said "I want you to put it back on." Harry smiled and kissed me. He took the necklace, which the chain was silver, and put it on slowly. When he put it on, he wrapped his arms around my waist and whispered "I love you," in my ear. When I looked down at my necklace, I saw the chain was a really strong gold. I smiled and said "I love you more now." Harry shook his head and said "I love you more." I giggled, and then we slowly leaned in. As soon as our lips touched, he put his arms around my waist, and I put my arms around his shoulders. Harry pulled me really close to him, and then he brought me to a wall. He put my back against the wall, and then he pulled away and smiled. I giggled and saw a bit of guilty in his eyes. I said "you look a bit guilty." He smiled and said "maybe I will be." He then pulled me in, and we kept kissing. After a while, we pulled away, and I started giggling. "You really are guilty." Harry chuckled. We left, and I held his hand. When we got back to the common room, Hermione and Ron were there. Hermione gasped as she saw us holding hands with our fingers intertwined. She asked "are you guys ok now?" I looked at Harry, and then I said "yeah." Harry kissed me and said "I think we're even better now." Hermione smiled, and Ron looked happy too. This was the best day of my life. At one point, Harry and I were alone in the common room, and I asked Harry "can we go back to what we did yesterday morning? Where I sat on your lap?" Harry smiled, and then started pulling me onto his lap. I smiled, and then sat on his lap sideways again. We leaned in very slowly, and then our lips touched. I felt so many sparks, and Harry rested his hand on my thigh. My leg had sparks too, because of his hand, and now, we stayed for longer. Ron and Hermione came back, and we pulled away. I giggled and he chuckled. He kissed my cheek, and I smiled. This time, Ron and Hermione just went straight upstairs and left us alone. When they went upstairs, we kept kissing. After another half hour, we stopped and I said "I really missed you Harry." Harry answered "I missed you more." I shook my head, and then I got off of his lap because more and more people were coming. Harry said "I'm so glad you took me back." I nodded and laid my head on his shoulder. I said "just don't let it happen again." Harry kissed my head and in my ear he whispered "it won't, I promise." I kissed him, and then we stayed for a long while and then we pulled away. I smiled and was blushing like crazy, and Harry said "gosh, I love you much Lily." I giggled and said "I love you so much too, Harry." We just smiled at each other, and I said "I'm so glad we're back together now." Harry said "I'm glad too," and he kissed my cheek. I asked "what time is it?" Harry said "7:00." I nodded, and then Ron and Hermione came back down. Hermione said "so are my favorite lovebirds back where they were?" I giggled and said "yeah, we are." Harry smiled and kissed my cheek. The four of us talked about how we would spend our Christmas, and we decided that Harry and Hermione would come with us to Headquarters. Harry said "I forgot it's almost Christmas." We laughed and then I smiled and said "just don't forget my gift." Harry shook his head with a smile and said "I won't." I'm so glad we're back.


YAY!! They're back together!! I honestly didn't want to write this part, but I did anyway cuz I kinda wanted to. This chapter was actually ready to post yesterday, but I just wanted to check it over, and I didn't want to post it so soon. Anyway, YYAAAAYY!! I'm so happy no cuz I was really sad while writing yesterday's chapter. Thanks for reading, and vote if you liked this chapter!!

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